thank you Reed!

i'd forgotten about this one!!  ahem! one of the problems of never really
showing my work (the web is the only place people get to see what i do), is
that i make/write it and then basically "file" it.  the fruitscores thing
was a big step, fortunately the response has been positive so far.

anyway that's not really the point....
(you're rambling alan!)
the point is.........


choose a specific time of day or night
at exactly the same time every day perform the following

day one - turn on one electrical appliance (including audio-visual)
day two  - turn on another appliance
day three - turn on another
carry on until you reach a point where everything is turned on
from this point all items with alterable  volume controls should, on each
successive day, be turned up by one
when everything is turned on and all volumes are at maximum - reverse the
above process
the event ends when all appliances are again turned off

crescendo(c)alan bowman 1999-12-14.  this text may be downloaded, copied,
reproduced as you choose, on the condition that alan bowman receives due and
proper recognition as author, and that, where/when appropriate any
documentation of the performance of this piece and/or altered version of the
text is forwarded to the author. (please)

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