Hi Scott,

>the Anti Redundancy Targeting System will be a fun, exciting (and
foolproof) way
to make certain that your art ideas are absolutely 100% Original©&®.
have you ever wondered how to either stop or start making residual and
derivative art?<

Your idea reminds me of a pataphysics club that existed in England in the
fifties (I've only heard bits and pieces about this by word of mouth from
someone who was good friends with a member but...) who existed soley to
administrate themselves. Members wore a little badge to identify themselves.

>an application form and member I.D. will be available and sent out
to those who desire to join the Anti Redundancy Team©.<

Will you be producing small badges for members of A.R.T.S?

>just have nothing better to do than participate in highly specialized
futile research,<

This line I like....work out a way for this to work on the web, be
ultimately pointless and include a nice little badge and you can count me in



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