So, Alan:

Have you yet come to terms with your sound/music dilemma?



FLUXLIST: Mesostic (with lots of wingwords!) for Alan

           Rod Stasick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           Sun, 30 Apr 2000 10:23:20 -0700 (PDT)

i've found thAt the term "music" usuaLly refers
to, simply, the ordering of sound. people will
heAr orgaNization in their own personal way -
some limited to song structure while others hear
more complexities or simplicities. 

concerning your "convincing" others: i've found
that just By engaging Oneself in an enjoyable
activity (Without harM to others) will sometimes
pique outsider interest. if thAt persoN wAnts to
know more, then ideas are proffered and shared
(this may indicate that the person asking is of a
curious nature - possibLy more open to
difference). i've found thAt "coNvincing" (with
the idea of changing another's mind) generally
does more harm than good or at Best changes

listening by the rOadside is a Wonderful
"probleM" to hAve. i wish all of our world
problems were of this character.

when it comes to "humaN interAction", not aLl
instruments need to be touched by sentient beings
to be Activated (theremiN, singing telegraph
wires, et al), But there needs tO be a sentient
being there for perception. existence relies on
the elements of interactivity - vibrations occur
and an ear, for example, vibrates in response and
We call it "sound" - with no typanuM, pArt of the
souNd equAtion is gone. the rainbow equation is
incompLete if either the sun, moisture or
perceiver is missing in this trinity.

the sound/silence question - sounds thAt oNe's
not cognizant of or sounds not considered to Be
part Of the perceived event are considered
"silent", but this is just a matter of
"intention" on the listeners part. possibly, if
one starts their day by sitting and listening
until a sound is heard that Was never noticed
before then possibly a slow conversion could take
place (this could be done for all the senses if
one wished to develop those areas.) it's kind of
like using a new word in a sentence each day in
order to strengthen your vocabulary - you're
strengthening your "sense" vocabulary.

i don't want to take you away froM books tho - i
know you sAid that you have a bit of a time with
ceNtering, but cAge's "siLence" doesn't need to
be reAd all at oNe sitting and it's not a
difficult read at all (sheeze, i read it when i
was 9 - how difficult could it Be?). i dOn't knoW
if i was of any help, but you did ask for
opinions and possibly all of us would like to
know how you're progressing with Much of these
"sound" ideAs that you're haviNg.



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