I have been informed that Mr. Boyd has taken the advice of The Great Criswell at
googleplex.com.  TGC believed that naming his grapey MAC "onedotz" would portend
well for his future, although his exact words escape me at this time.  I become
so entranced with TGC's hair when he issues predictions that I sometimes don't


"Ronsen, Josh" wrote:

> > Patricia wrote:
> > >Don Boyd is anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new grape colored
> > >MAC and then he'll be back on fluxlist.  I have proffered the
> > >advice that in order for the computer to function properly, it
> > >should have a name, toys, and incense burning around it at all
> > >times.  He queried me about name suggestions.
> >
> He should name it, in my egregious opinion, Don Boyd. Thus, the computer
> will become a cybernautic extenuation of himself, at least in nomenclature.
> Where does man end and machine begin?
> "I need to reboot my 400MHz Don Boyd... I need to get more memory for Don
> Boyd... I need to get a beef brisket sandwich for Don Boyd... Don Boyd does
> not like 800k floppies... I'm afraid of people stealing Don Boyd... Don Boyd
> needs a hug..."
> Or would he just refer to it as "I"? "I need to zap my PRAM... I need to
> install the ROM firmware update on me..."
> Just a thought...
> -Josh Ronsen
> http://www.nd.org/jronsen

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