----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Received two notes from Eric Andersen >
............(..eric> >)
> >First of all I would like to inform you that Tamas St.Auby is a notorious
> >xxxx, he is not an artist> >

> >Since you are not an artist, I rejected this offer.

etc etc....

eric! the spirit of fluxus lives on in you!!!

artist/non-artist blah blah  is being an artist is better than someone else
not being?

perhaps we could have a fluxlist survey done by eric andersen, he can decide
which of us are artists, which are not etc

and we could have badges made in case we forget

actually i'm not really sure i give a shit,although,  the eric/ken thing is
nowt to do with me, i don't really know either person, and i certainly don't
want to be part of their fights, but there's something about eric's posts
that annoy me......
pettiness perhaps

anyway had my say

plplplplplplplplplplplplpl!!! sound of bowman blowing a raspberry

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