i think i would like to declare today, john cage day.
as you might know he passed on august 12th, 1992.
do something to make his spirit/ideas/essence present today.
a moment of silence (to listen) maybe...........

this was the quotation by cage about boredom that i posted awhile ago:

"only if we decide to do something other than get bored. for we are the ones who make 
ourselves bored. in the experiences of Vexations, as
in the works of riley or lamonte young, boredom takes over only if we arouse it in 
ourselves. thats why i said a while ago that we are no
longer there. there is no more boredom as soon as there is no more ego. then 
everything is endlessly reborn. and there is no longer the
slightest bit of boredom."

and something else that i found to be very profound and appropiate:

"as soon as there is no one in charge of things, there is a passage from object to 

these are from the book "for the birds".
i would highly recommend this book. it is a series of interviews with cage from the 
late '60's. the interviews are conducted by a very
intelligent and knowledgeable daniel charles.
charles probes deep into cage's ideas. and at times even plays devil's advocate to 
further illustrate cage ideas.
a very good book covering a myriad of topics.

and also there is dick higgins article "boredom and danger". which is very nice.

good day,

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