Sol Nte wrote:

> Andersen and Tamas, but because of the poor interest for Fluxus we
> demonstrated. And this is why I dont think of this list -which I liked a
> lot- as the Fluxlist anymore.<

Sol, I agree with this 100%. As you know, I have at various times pointed
out that the multilogue on the list was getting "off-topic" and even went so
far as to have a little tantrum and say "If you're going to post lists of
music groups and books which have zilch to do with Fluxus, then please start
a new list." I agree that this may have been part of why Ken (and the remainder

of the Fluxus in Fluxlist) left the list.

Personally, I joined Fluxlist to learn more about Fluxus and to keep current
with info about Fluxus art and its influence now. I wished to talk & share
w/ people who were likewise inclined and had similar interests in Fluxus.

However, censoring any voice is antithetical to the democratic spriit of
the version of Fluxus I try to emulate. Therefore, regardless of the high
noise index (and I do tolerate noise exceptionally well at times) everyone
needs to have a voice and there's no reason why Fluxlist can't act as an open
forum for all kinds of discussion on all kinds of topics (both on and off
topic of Fluxus). After the work that Ken did in the 70's (The Omaha Flow
Systems open mail art show he organized), it makes no sense to censor anyone.
In mail art I find that tolerance is essential- regardless of all the wild
yelling, face-making, and general idiocy we call mail art today. Personally,
I like it because it's just human beings trying to express themselves and that
is important.

However, I agree completely that there hasn't been enough Fluxus in Fluxlist
lately and Ken's departure saddened me and reading all these off-topic
emails (when I get 35 messages and delete 30 of them immediately just
by looking at the Subject field) frustrates me a bit. I mean I definitely
the intentions of some of the people on this list- are they really here to
learn more about Fluxus or are they just here to make a lot of racket
in a space which is free? Personally, I would like to see more discussion
on the topics specified in the info email which comes when you subscribe
to the list. It's obvious to me that some people just completely ignore
the fact that it is an INTEREST LIST which is specifically for the discussion
of certain specified topics. My suggestion would be to post this list of
acceptable topics to the list again.

I see no problem with all the collaborations which have been birthed on
Fluxlist: the Fluxlist box (Hooray Owen!), the Fluxlist artistamp project
(Hooray Patricia!) and the Happy New Ears Fluxlist poetry compilation
(Hooray Roger!).

I also see no problem with posting "Postflux" events to the list because it
is one forum for them and a good way to keep track of them.

But what seems to be missing is a serious critical discussion of what
it means to be a Fluxist now- Ken and Dick Higgins always left
Fluxus as an open project- one which takes time & work to assimilate
but given enough effort, one could feasibly carry on with the Fluxus project
indefinitely (or indeed until one tired of it).

> Bertrand, I agree with you. I don't know what happened exactly..guess it's
> been a gradual process but the last few months have seen posts on Fluxus
> disappear from the list. No-one seems to want to talk about Fluxus anymore.
> Ken's departure doesn't have to be a turning point. We can still discuss
> Fluxus but maybe it just doesn't feel the same anymore. I don't know. I've
> been thinking a lot about the list recently and how I'd like to contribute
> as much as I used to but I don't really have much to say these days on the
> topics presented on the list.
> To be honest it is a little disappointing now not to have the discussions
> about Fluxus but there is a nice little community around this list and I
> think that those friendship now drive the list rather than an interest in
> Fluxus. Maybe someday we'll return to discussing Fluxus amongst friends in
> the way we used to but until then there'll be something missing from the
> Fluxlist.

The problem is how to get back on topic now that things have drifted away.

How about: yes, I have several books by Something Else: Anthology of Concrete
Poetry, Annotated Topography of Chance, FOEW, and Jefferson's
I have just finished reading all of them, anyone else read any of these and
like to start a discussion about any of them?


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