Thankyou Mayor Giuliani

Thankyou Mayor Giuliani for repeatedly spraying
my home, my city, and my entire family with
Malathion, an organophosphate nerve gas that
damages DNA and Anvil, a pyrethyroid nerve gas
that reduces sperm count, causes cognitive
difficulties and increases breast cancer tumors. I also
want to thank you for killing off all those annoying
little bees, birds, butterflies and fish that were taking
up valuable space on which office towers and
baseball stadiums could be built to glorify you as
Mayor. You are absolutely right when you said that
New Yorkers who don't understand that seeing a
police car means they should run for their lives
deserved the harmful spray effects they got. So many
of my fellow citizens just can't appreciate that
sometimes it's necessary to poison millions in order
to theoretically save a few lives. 

NY Times 9/22/2000Giuliani Calls West Nile
Spraying Necessary
"New York City residents should be thankful the city
has been so aggressive in spraying pesticides to kill
mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus, Mayor
Rudolph W. Giuliani said yesterday, rejecting
criticism from environmentalists who are suing the
city to stop the spraying.. Mr. Giuliani said yesterday
that the people who were sprayed with Anvil
—which the city Health Department calls "relatively
nontoxic to humans" — had only themselves to
blame. "There is a very simple thing to do here. Get
out of the way. Don't stay there and inhale the
spray," the mayor said, noting that a police car
accompanies the pesticide-spraying trucks to warn

also see: Daily News 9/22/2000
Rudy: City's Skeeter Tack Rates Thanks

Robert Lederman
(a plaintiff in the No-spray coalition lawsuit)
Brooklyn, NY
(718) 743-3722 

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