The art may not be that good, but the community web tech is cool, I think.;sid=2000/9/19/2458/13427

collective art (Media) 
    Posted by luap on Tue Sep 19th, 2000 at 09:27:27 AM EST 

    I've begun an experiment in my free time. I want to see if I can create an online 
artistic community with
    people posting their own works as well as commenting on others, sort of a method 
for writers/poets to get
    their word out and maybe even make money bypassing the publisher. Can it be done? 
Will the produced
    fiction/art be more/less real? 

    I haven't really seen the 'slashdot' for literature out there yet. Instead
of using one of the OS solutions out     there for community type sites, I've
decided to program my own (php4 w/MySQL backend.) 

    I'll be honest with you, though, in that I'm an English/Journalism major, a poet 
at heart. I've been
    fascinated with the web since '95 or so, recently delving into scripting with PERL 
and php. (Creating art,
    but in another language, that of the computer.) 

    So... I guess I'm just looking for feedback on the concept and execution of open 
source literature.
    Thoughts/Suggestions/Comments appreciated... 

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