I'm just curious why anyone would say fluxus is dead. Seems to me, no art form ever 
dies. Maybe this list has been not up to your standards lately in terms of the 
discussion, but that happens to all lists. They go through lulls and swoops... 
sometimes they are animated, sometimes they are filled and full of discussion. I am 
personally involved in about six lists, and I find that they all do this...
I have not been a member of fluxlist for very long, nor do I know a lot about fluxus, 
but I do think that saying fluxus is dead seems like an overreaction...
In my mind, fluxus is art- art is life. You can never say fluxus is dead, as long as 
one soul lives... life begets art, art begets life. They are a symbiotic pair...
~David Streever, chiming in with my two cents

"When the last human has died, trees shall cover the earth."
"Man is the dream of the dolphin."

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