FluxGrumps is a good name for a cartoon series.

Like South Park or something!

The photos of the Fake Ray Johnson Weekend on Dragonfly's site


are quite interesting but what's most interesting is the photos of the
actual mail art show that ran alongside the Johnson stuff. These photos bear
out Reed's comments at the time which hinted that the mail art display was
pretty shabby. I'm amazed that at a gallery like this they've obviously just
tacked the mail art on the wall in five minutes, looks really uninspiring
and I hope visitors to the Ray Johnson exhibition did not take away an
impression that this was Johnson's legacy to the world. I think whoever was
responsible should've taken a little more pride in what they were doing.
Agreed there is some shabbiness in the mail art world but for those people
that take care and pride over what they make this kind of thing is a tad

I notice I don't post to Fluxlist much these days.....too busy I guess.
Patricia said it was quiet. It is...I don't mind too much though because I'm
too busy to keep up with heavy traffic but I can easily keep up with these
couple of things here and there. Selfish view I know, but I don't like to
miss things.

The tanks and bubblegum list sounds like every schoolboy's dream...what is
it about tanks...they had one at Glastonbury festival the other year and
people covered it with flowers and danced on it...very cool!

Well, time to replace my nose on the grindstone...my face is getting flatter
and flatter.....

BTW about a year ago when the list was similarly quiet I created the
Fluxlist pool as a cool oasis to chill out by, those newer to the list may
enjoy it (or not ;)


(if this takes ages to load, sorry, I must move this stuff onto faster



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