Yea! Fluxlist is back. I had sent out the below offer when Fluxlist was down and was 
wondering why no one claimed it.

I am offering, for free, to the first person who claims it, 1 unopened package of 
Sponch. The only requirement is that you must have no idea what Sponch is, or attempt 
to find out before it arrives. Email me first, and it is yours (and maybe you will 
send me something of "equal" value in return, although Sponch is very much an 
unequaled thing in the world...).

-Josh Ronsen

ps: whatever happened to my short short story that was being passed around for 
modifications/improvements? Did it fall into the hands of someone who loves it so much 
they are going to keep it? Who had it last? Has it been modified so much that it can't 
be mailed? DId someone eat it?

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