 there should have, of course, been this URL attache to the previuos mail...


slinks off sheepishly, wondering "do sheep slink?"

----- Original Message -----
From: "alan bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: another work of non-genius from the FFFO

> dear all,
> the Freeformfreakout Organisation Cleansing Services found this in a skip
> out the back of the FFFO AstroPhysics and Carpentry Division.
> So we put it online, like all the rest of the rubbish we find lying about.
> It's old, but there's a picture!!!
> Go on!
> Have a look!!
> You enjoy disappointment really!
> Bests
> Bowman+sinusitis+2 days off work+big smile despite ailments;-)

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