Blue Skies

Colin Andrews, Catriona Grant, Beverley Hood and e@t

23 March - 28 April, Stills, 23 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh

Blue Skies is an exhibition of newly commissioned works by Scotland-based artists using digital technologies. The work in the exhibition explores how technologies are mediating our sense of time and space and how this process impacts on the way we perceive our place in the world and our relationships with other people.

'I may be some time', a single-channel video work by Colin Andrews, uses appropriated and bleached archive film of a polar mapping expedition made in the 1930s. The work is rich with allusions - Antarctica becomes a landscape of the imagination, the geographical unconscious, a Terra Incognita.

'Genuine Offer of Friendship' by Catriona Grant is a screen based interactive work about the mechanisms of friendship, in which different people can be paired by the user. They present themselves, offering information about what they expect from and what they can bring to a friendship. All the people live or work in the Greater Pilton area of Edinburgh. These people from a real community have been brought together in a virtual community; some knew each other, some had never met. The user can try to make appropriate pairings or whimsical choices, mirroring the chance meetings and arbitrary decisions our own relationships are based on.

Beverley Hood's work 'trans-locale' is represented here by video documentation of the recent performance at Stills. The work is an intervention within the environment of online video conferencing. 'trans-locale' broadcasts two dancers performing the Tango from a live space into the online video conferences. Here they weave another level of 'dance' - leaping from server to server, country to country, temporarily visible to those connected to each of the selected conferences. For further information on the performance see

e@t - a group of five artists working in Scotland: Jim Hamlyn, Jim Buckley, Sarah McKenzie Smith, Andy Kennedy and Jon Pengelly - have been meeting, collaborating and producing work together since January 2000. In this exhibition the group share a meal in real time with a group of artists in the States, and talk via a satellite link up about collaborative practice - passing the salt across time zones and continents. For further information on e@t visit

This exhibition is accompanied by a new publication containing an essay by Francis McKee. Copies will be available from Stills in return for a suggested donation of £2.50 (plus £2 postage for mail order).

'I may be some time' by Colin Andrews was commissioned by Film and Video Access Centre, Picture This Moving Image and Watershed Media Centre; Supported by Stills, the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. 'Genuine Offer of Friendship' by Catriona Grant was commissioned by New Media Scotland, supported by Edinburgh College of Art, Greater Pilton Design Resource, Polaroid (UK), the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. 'trans-locale' by Beverley Hood was commissioned by New Media Scotland in partnership with Stills and New Moves International with funding from the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. e@t have received support from Gray's School of Art and the Scottish Arts Council

For further information about any of the artists in 'Blue Skies' please contact:

Stills New Media Scotland
23 Cockburn Street P.O. Box 25065
Edinburgh EH1 1BP Glasgow G1 5YP

New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UK

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