Hi, Y'all

Read through the Fluxlists (quite a few)
always a pleasure after a break

It occurs to me that - Fluxus is some distance away from visual art -
certainly painting and sculpture - and contains more non-traditional
art elements than traditional - certainly encompassing the spoken
word and the written word -
more so than visual elements - well, what I'm getting at here, is, I think,
that Fluxus probably has more in common with words, spoken and written,
than with images, if you think about it, and, well, what I'm thinking is
given the distance between say, the poetry of John M. Bennett and the poetry
well, poets whose poetry deals with traditional themes, in traditional ways,
I'm wondering if Fluxus isn't actually more closely linked to poetry than to
"art" -
and maybe artists on the Fluxlist have less... well, can you see where this
is heading?
Not sure I can. Hey, it's late. I'm tired.
In fact - I'm off to bed.


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