This might be late, but I've found that designing for netscape 
usually leads to decent results on IE, excepting certain javascripts.


Sol Nte wrote:
> >can someone s'plain me why my site worked with IE and not Netscape?
> then I can try and fix it.
> thanks to all for your kind comments and patience!<
> Hi Alan,
> People have already identified the fact that your slashes were the wrong way
> round. However the best way to avoid stuff not working under Netscape is to
> install Netscape on your machine as well as IE so you can test in both
> browsers before you upload. Even then you may still get the occasional error
> but by and large it makes life a lot easier having both major browsers
> installed. I know there're a few other browsers out there too like Opera but
> I think if something works okay in IE and Netscape then it's okay. Of course
> Lynx is a whole other matter ;-)
> BTW - Pictures were much enjoyed by me in IE, nice bit of hobnobbing with
> the flux and famous :-
> cheers,
> Sol.

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