Also, it takes 23 pairs of chromosomes to make a human child, every 23rd
angstrom of the DNA helix is mutated, Sirius (who some think have a
connection with the Bavarian Illuminati) rises on July 23rd, the person who
had the bomb in the film Airport was sitting in seat 23...the list goes on..

jason the fluxbomb

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: FluxFortune

> >Jill suggested sometime in 2003 since I'd been mentioning how the number
> >often pops up in mysterious circumstances, in fact Saturday was the 23rd
> >June. I thought I'd offer the list the chance to send in their thought.
> (Sol)
> There are twenty three courts at the Old Bailey, more formally known as
> Central Court, London.
> There have been twenty three US presidents who were lawyers
> During 1984 an estimated 23 million babies were born in India
> Landseer's four bronze lions were added to the pedestal of Nelson's Column
> in 1867, some twenty three years after its original
> unveiling in London's Trafalgar Square
> Hope this helps
> Roger
> (I was lost but am now found)

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