
that's your puzzle for the day. you have 60 seconds.....

Hiya oooooooooch

I've been thinking about you alot since we met (nooo! not THEN!! I 
mean the last time) and hope you're well and happy (the Mets 

Thank you for that day. I'm really very very happy for you. I was 
just sorry and more than a bit weirded out by having to run off like 
that. I love you, and I'm glad you're where you wanna be. On a 
certain level at least, it seemed the first time we've been able to 
just be totally unencumbered by the past...in a certain way...

I run into Mona Koppelman (whatever her last name is now) 
periodically. Her husband plays in SEM sometimes and they live 
somewhere nearby around here. I just saw her the other night and had 
a lovely little conversation with her. She'd just come back from LA. 
She was having something produced there and seeing Mike and Tracy so 
it was nice to get a bit of news about them.

(somebody just called in to the radio with the greatest off-season 
trade for the Mets. Once the whole season is finally over, they make 
a deal with Leiter, Piazza and Payton.....for Turk Wendell and Dennis 

Elbo is good. Just more ear stuff. But she's taken quite a liking 
(ready for this?) to swimming (!?!) Between the river in North 
Carolina and going out to Southold once or twice.....still won't pea 
in the rain, mind you. And she doesn't seem make the connection 
between swimming and the bath tub, unfortunately. But there ya are...

Things here are fine. I'm going to Europe for a few weeks in August. 
Another of Petr's "schemes." Sort of a 3 week long "institute" for 
composers. We'll do a bunch of concerts and readings and stuff. 
Pretty much just "work" for 3 weeks together more than any sort of 
"teaching" thing. I've taken to calling it Kamp Kotik. I leave the 
11th so I'm spending most of my time getting my shit together for 

Speaking of getting my shit together, I've started therapy again :) I 
actually called Betty (that last one) who didn't have any time for me 
in her schedule. I found someone who's out here in Brooklyn Heights. 
It's nice to be in it again. This time it's a man that I'm seeing 
(now THERE's a sentence I could've engineered a bit differently) and 
it's sort of nice (same) I was actually a bit apprehensive-that's too 
strong a word, but you know what I mean-about that part, but it's 
alot more comfortable than I'd figured it'd be.

Time to work now. I'm stripping a cabinet in the kitchen that Vail 
seems to have developed rather a vendetta against (I know, I 
know....a rental, all that....but it'll look good and it's nice to 
get a bit dusty.)

My love to Jimmy and especially your parents.

squeezy luigi for me.

go here sometime:

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