>  And what's more wearisome still is using this situation
>to propagate anti-Israeli sentiment among the under educated and
>ill-informed.  Speaking of which, I'm very curious as to the sources of your
>FACTs.  There are many ways to spin a  piece of info, friend, (but clearly
>you already have this talent).

i posted the sources of my facts..clearly you didn't even read them
i will post some more even though you posted no facts to dispute
anything i said.

>To refer to Israel's policies (of which you seem to know very little) as
>"ethnic cleansing," "state terrorism," and "apartheid" (for god's sake!) is
>reactionary and rabble rousing in the extreme.

jeez even Ted Koppel has questioned isreali policy in the occupied territories....
where have you been the past 35 odd years?

fair enough i will give examples of each situation

apartheid: currently under isreali law it is illegal for palestinians
even ones that are also isreali citizens (and i use that term loosely
because they're not allowed to vote, so maybe second class citizens
is a more accurate term) and currently living in isreal
to own land or own a business. in terms of isreali law palestinians are
not even human. in violation of UN 242 in the occupied territories
palestinian arabs are resticted access to the majority of roads, making it
difficult for the palestinian inhabitants to even obtain water.....

for your amusement i will provide some interesting quotes:

 "There is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here
      to neighboring countries, not one village, not one tribe should be left" (Joseph 
Weitz, 1940).
"there is not such thing as Palestinians; they never existed" (Golda Meir, 1969)

"We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of
      woodcutters and waiters." (David Ben Gurion).

"Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of 
the native population.. It is important to speak Hebrew, but it is even more
      important to be able to shoot - or else I am through at playing with colonizing" 
(Vladimir Jabotinsky, 1939).
and this one i think sums it up best

"In Jerusalem, land expropriation, ID confiscations, home demolitions, withholding of 
building permits, and the importation of settler colonies within and around
      the city have become constant elements of Israel's demographic engineering 
through ethnic cleansing." Hanan Ashrawi, pretty much confirmed in reports by amnesty 

Note: Ashrawi is the only palestinian i have quoted the rest are from various
govt zionist officials

a good article with some interesting facts:


2001 amnesty international report on isreal in the occupied territories:


2000 amnesty international report:


1999 report


these are the only amnesty reports i could find on the web

several articles, with many facts.

even more facts

STATE TERRORISM: always called "retaliation" ... initially contrary to popular
belief isreal wias infact the one who introduced terrorism to the middle east. the 
incidents of the highjacking of planes and so forth was done by the isreali military 
during the first
arab isreali war. the isreali military highjacked civilian palestinian airplanes to 
trade for
soldiers captured during the war. a speciic example of state terrorism in 1985:

"the sequence is as follows: first came a PLO attack in Lanarca, Cyprus, where 3 
where killed. The killers were immediately caught and placed on trial; they're now in 
About a week later came the isreali bombing of Tunis in which, according to isreali
correspondants, about 75 people where killed , 20 Tunisians, 55 palestinians,
mostly civilians..........."
[Chomsky, Chronicles of Dissent page 58]

chomsky goes on to say and i'll just paraphrase, that the origionl lanarca attack was
called retaliation for oft suppressed fact, for the isreali navy was using agents 
based in cyprus
that were high jacking boats....isreali agants highjacking boats. all of that is fine 
well EXCEPT the bombing of Tunis by ISREAL wasn't directed against the people
who carried out the terrorist attack......ISREAL even conceded that the people they 
an easy target. when the people that did the attack probably came from Syria, but Syria
can fight back. so isreal didn't retaliate against syria it bombed a defenseless 
that's the way it's done.....of course with FULL U.S. COMPLICITY.

and that's pretty typical, the norm, the status quo,  definate "state terrorism"

the origion of the word "terrorism" and i'm refering to the same article by noam 
origionated in the 18th century was "used then to describe violent states that suppress
their own populations with violence" [CD, page 50]

ETHNIC CLEANSING: simply you combine the 2 above "strategies" it gets
pretty genocidal.....certainly not on the level of the holocaust but genocidal none 
the less.
Isreali zionist, the govt has used the holocaust as propaganda to great effect to label
any criticisms of these policies as "Anti-semitic" meaning if you are pro palestinian 
are anti semitic....even to the ridiculous point of labeling jews that are supporters 
of palestinian
self determination as "self hating jews".  this has been pointed out AD INFINTUM by 
isreali journalist that have been criticised for supporting the palestinians labeled
of course as "self hating jews"

>Have you spent any time in the Middle East?  Do you know anyone who actually
>lives and works there? After the statements made below, I kinda doubt it.

no but i've read several accounts by people that have. to suggest that you have to
visit isreal and the occupied territories in order to be qualified to even say anything
about it is assinine. following that logic NO ONE is qualified to comment
on the holocaust except the survivors, that is IDIOTIC. so once the survivors
of the holocaust die of old age no one will ever be able to say anything about
the holocaust because they weren't there?

>  However, this eager (but alas, predictable) surge to beat on Israel
>is a real drag and only serves to perpetuate prejudices in already moronic

complete bullshit, isreal being the victim here is utterly ridiculous. Isreal
the helpless victims that are illegally (according to international law) occupying
foriegn soil.???!!! if they are being victimized then why don't they just withdraw?
this occupation is really bad for isreal. i  support isreal but not as a aggressive 
client state of the U.S.

the rest of your statements aren't worth commenting on


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