> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been in Fluxus but didn't exist?

I think this could be difficult to do for those who aren't great writers 
- i think i would struggle.

BUT  i love the idea and i'd really like to give it a go.  could we draw 
pictures as well? eh? eh?

do we have to justify their fluxusness etc?  
actually that would be tricky as a fairly sophisticated 
knowledge/understanding of fluxus may be neede before we start 
spoofing it.
i wonder if we could, collectively, decide on a set of criteria that the 
characters have to meet.
e.g.  maciunas' 'fluxus art amusement' manifesto, or other well 
know and generally accepted ideas.  this may be limiting but may 
avoid problems arising with the 'what is fluxus?', "fluxus doesn't 
exist', 'fluxus is this!....No it isn't it's THIS!' camps


slightly less contentious:
> How about a biography of the fifty most famous artists who shoul
d have been ON FLUXLIST but didn't exist?

one of my favourite milligan pomes

>From Sydney Zoo an alligator
Was put on board a flying freighter.
He ate the pilot
And the navigator.
And asked for more with mashed potater


broken down on the information superhighway

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