>Never seen Better Homes and Gardens magazine but have some old pet care
>books for unusual pets (e.g. crocodiles, just bought the book but never
>found anywhere selling crocodiles :( ) published by TFH Publications I
>think,........ very cool.

In the same category I like old 30s-50s mags on DIY stuff like Popular Mechanics. 

On another front Sol how abut going to a discount import store or a tag sale and 
looking for "art materials"  I often find that just looking through such collections 
give me thoughts even if it is not for/ with any of the specifics. For   a similar
supply of  stuff on the web try American Scientific and Surplus  

Another interesting site by a group of artists (2) who are always doing interesting 
stuff is M.River & T.Whid Art Associates' online artwork at


Make sure to check out the new project of doing updates to classic works from the 60s 
and 70s


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