Hi, have just managed to plough through inbox to clear backlog, Interesting stuff. I love the box thing sounds great and would love to be involved if possible. Is there any selection involved? How do I know if my work is suitably fluxy?

As a new subscriber myself would be sad to lose others who want to subscribe to list, but impressed by integrity and seriousness of everyone involved in censorship issue. Things have become more interesting with something positive to focus on (the box). Liked the proposed guidelines for new subscribers and would also be interested in more info about existing subscribers.

I know Im new here so maybe I shouldnt get involved, but was wondering if we could do a quick online version of flux box, with everyone e mailing a copy of their work to the list?

Also was interested in the seed thing Brad was writing about. Can you tell me more? I have been making a work involving seeds in gelatin medicine capsules, and if it all works can post one to you.

Happy new year, zoe

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