I thought, some fluxlisters would like to read this posts I received from
And then, I promise, I stop boring everyone with my moral concerns...but
remain on Fluxlist of course.

All the best,

----- Original Message -----
From: "St.Auby Tamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bertrand Clavez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: excommunication

> H, dear Bertrand,
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, Bertrand Clavez wrote:
> > However, I don't think that firing Kandinskij was so bad:
> > the guy was simply damn boring and obsessive,
> > and even not very clever.
> >
> In this case I don't want to qualify Kandinskij's emils.
> I qualify the mode of his excommunication.
> I would like to make
> my standpoint clear for you again.
> The Internet seems to be the best tool of democracy.
> There are many researches in programming to develop
> the easiest and the most practical mode of vote.
> In the future the net will be the polling booth.
> The emil-list could be a kind of home-made laboratory
> for this type of practice.
> From time-to-time, since years I tried to suggest
> this simple idea for the Fluxlist.
> In vain.
> When Genius 2000 was excommunicated two years ago,
> I pressed this vote-button, but
> most of the members were not responding at all,
> only one or two list-members answered (positively).
> In fact almost nobody understand on the Fluxlist
> the easy and funny tool of decision.
> I don't care if Genius 2000 or Kandinskij
> or Eric or IPUT fits or doesn't fit to the list.
> What I want is: vote!
> Why allen bukoff decides alone?
> > Hope the situation still can change, and I'm writing everyday to do so.
> >
> Thank you.
> But: when I have realised that the Fluxlist
> is not really interesting,
> en plus most of the members are authoritarian
> (which means they don't adapt democracy),
> I wanted to unsubscribe,
> but Eric kept me back.
> > Anyway, does it really matters, as far as, basically you disagree with
> > the list? (though, morally, ethically, it's stupid and unfair
> > to have done that, firing you both from the list, I mean)
> >
> No, it doesn't matter at all.
> I am in a protest position
> only because they didn't vote in our cases.
> I don't want to be on the Fluxlist.

> > do you allow me to pass your post on Fluxlist?
>But they didn't kick me out to read
>my embarrassing emils again.
>You will bring the trouble on your head!
>But you know what?
>I have been excommunicated from everywhere,
>even from Hungary after being arrested
>for Happenings, Fluxconcerts and Samizdats!
>That's why I could leave this country in 1975!
>I have not been kicked out only from the
>Roman Catholic Church, so
>I left it in 1979 in Geneva
>(my auto/excommunication was video-taped and
>shown in Rome (!) the next year).
>Unfortunately the tape doesn't function anymore,
>but maybe I have somewhere some still fotos
>and the sound from it).

> Thank you for expressed understanding.
> H,
> a

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