> dear anybody and everybody and your friends and relatives,
> a plea for help!  (smiles sweetly, gives watery eyed imploring look)
> i'm having real trouble with photoshop - getting the colours i see on screen
> to match with the actual colours of the images.
> working with tiffs from cds of a trade catalogue images that should be all
> bright and cheery
> however, i get sort of dull murky colours where there should be bright reds
> etc.  i've played around with all the options, but to no avail - however, when
> i "save for web" etc i get the bright colours back
> and i can't find what i'm looking for in the help files, or online
> any ideas?
> bests
> alan 
> sorry for the mass, impersonal mail but i'm kind of at a loss here.

Hi Alan,

Wich version of Photoshop do you use ? What are your Color Management
settings ? (Seems the problen lies there...)

All the best


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