e-Flux wrote:

The National Museum of Contemporary Art 

The Name of the Game (11.01-09.03)

The National Museum of Contemporary Art 
Bankplassen 4, Box 8191 Dep, N-0034 Oslo, Norway 
Tel (+47) 22 86 22 10 
Fax (+47) 22 86 22 20 

The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Oslo
presents the exhibition

RAY JOHNSON. The Name of the Game (11.01-09.03)
Ray Johnson (1927-1995) is perhaps best known for his use of the postal service as an artistic medium, which led him to develop a network of correspondents that grew into what is today known as the mail art network. This exhibition takes as its starting point the particular focus on proper names that run through all of Johnson’s postal activities. On the one hand the focus on names reflects the reality of a postal system that structures the world as a network of addressable individuals. On the other hand, his naming games serve to question the notions of communication and addressability that informs not only the postal system per se, but a whole modern culture shaped by the terms of this system. The exhibition, which contains a lot of material that has not been exhibited previously, is curated by Ina Blom . After Oslo, the exhibition will move on to the Museum Fridericianum Kassel, Germany (opening March 29) and the Museum Het Domein Sittard, The Netherlands (opening May 31).

The Name of the Game. Ray Johnson's Postal Performance is the title of the 120-page book published on the occasion of this exhibition. It contains an essay by Ina Blom, and a number of previously unpublished early texts by Ray Johnson, in addition to mailings and other visual and textual material. It may be ordered (EUR 22/£ 24 + postage EUR 8/$ 8) from the museum's bookshop at The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bankplassen 4, Box 8191 Dep, N-0034 Oslo, Norway, or by e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Image: Ray Johnson, Untitled: Dear Marilyn Monroe, To Chuck 1980-1994, Estate of Ray Johnson, courtesy of Richard L. Feigen & Co.)

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