Dear all,
I'm looking for thoughts on the relationships between Robin Crozier and Fluxus, likewise Klassnik and Fluxus.
 I had the good fortune to study where Robin Crozier taught, although our paths crossed very briefly (a 10 minute chat).  Robin filled the library with Fluxus and related literature and it was here that I made the link between the 'fun' I'd been having and Fluxus.
However I've never been clear myself on his relationship to/with Fluxus.  There are many people (in Britain) who class Robin as 'Fluxus' in one sense or the other, a view I've never really been 100% behind.  Robin's mail art I'm fairly familiar with (not all of it!) but are there other things I should be looking at?  Apart from the Hot Cockles proposal in the Fluxus Codex
Robin Klassnik I know nothing of, and am beginning the research now.  Likewise Sigurdur Gudmundsson.
What were the relationships between these artists and Fluxus.  I want to examine, from a neutral standpoint (mine), any real links to Fluxus, the nature of any relationships thay may have had and what criteria has led to them being classed as 'fluxus' by many.
If anyone could point me to relevant sources I would be most grateful.  I am also very interested in hearing personal opinions - it doesn't have to be published material etc. 
 Also if anyone has an e-mail address for Robin Klassnik, that would be a help too.
Thanks in anticipation
Alan Bowman

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