hi catarina,

is it possible for you to include my video for 'alan bowman's fried/frozen
events 03' ?


i would appreciate it very much.

i wish you a very happy christmas and more great art in the new year.

bests, carol


> For Davinio's net-project GATES - Beyond net-art (Real Things across the
> Cyberspace)
> on December 18 2003, since 5:30 PM, until 10:00 PM, live readings and
> performances, video and slides of the GATES projects in the world. Scroll
> down for a list of international artist.
> Where: Studio D'Ars   Via Sant'Agnese 12/8 - Milan.
> When: December 18 2003   5:30 PM - 10.00 PM
> Opening on December 18 2003   5:30 PM: CATERINA DAVINIO's Solo Exhibition
> Serial Phenomenologies. Digital video, computer printings, net.art. Oscar
> Signorini Prize-Giving: December 18  2003  7:00 PM
> Where: Studio D'Ars   Via Sant'Agnese 12/8 - Milan.
> When: Exhibition Serial Phenomenologies since December 18 2003, until
> January 12 2004 (closed December 25-26, 31, January 1). More information:
> D'Ars Agency Tel. 02 860290.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> GATES Artists:
> Chris Straetling - USA /Belgium (Special Mention Gates Part 1 Fe-LenGate)
> Factor 44
> Harry Heirmans
> Lieve Lambrecht
> Ria Pacquée
> Mulugeta Tafesse
> Djuna Michielsen
> Marc Hioco
> Marc Rossignol
> Patrice Verhofstadt
> Carlos Montalvo
> Toni Geirlandt
> Herman Delahaye
> Guy Rombouts
> Chris Gillis
> Jörgen Voordeckers
> Djos
> Janssens
> Eric Stenmans
> Emilio Lopez-Menchero
> Shay Zilberman
> Leo Reynders
> Andrew Webb
> Daniel Weinberger
> Guche Vercammen
> Sven Bruyneel
> Iréne Vervliet
> Daisy & Mirabelle Wouters
> Arjen Nelis
> Anne Boxelaere
> Marian Carroll, UK Somerset (Special Mention 2 GATES Part 1 Marian Carroll's
> Group Somerset, Frank Sierowki: People Sculpture)
> Tim Jones,
> Frank Sierowki
> Others
> Lucia Leao - Brazil Sao Paulo
> Siglinde Kallnbach - Germany Cologne
> Ruediger Axel Westphal - Germany
> Dorothea Fleiss - Romania / Germany
> Angela Keim
> Miklos Klotz
> Serba Rosca
> Neka Nemere
> Dilmana Jordanova
> Adrian Ilfoveanu
> Research Center For The Definition Of Happyness c/o ALLI POLI - Greece
> Thessaloniki
> 3A
> Danae Hondrou
> Hector Mavridis
> Dimosioipalliliko Retire (Thanasis Chondros, Alexandra Katsiani, Danis
> Tragopoulos)
> Chris Straetling - Morocco
> Harry Heirmans
> Lena Kelekian - Lebanon Beirut
> Hilda Kelekian
> Hagop Sulahian
> Marcela Rosen Murúa Chile - Las Encinas (Santiago)
> Isabel Aranda "Yto"
> Ricardo Enrique Castro
> Francisco Romero
> Kataix (Adolfo Araus)
> Carlos Mettal - Porto Velho city - Rondônia - Amazzonia
> Joesér Alvarez
> Nilson Santos Alessandro Amorim da Silva
> Joesér Alvarez Andrea dos Santos Melo
> Rubens Vaz Cavalcante (Binho)
> Elcias Villella
> Lídio Sohn
> Carlos Mettal
> Carlos Moreira
> Nilson Santos
> Nilza Meneses
> Pillar de Zayas Bernanos
> Silvia Feliciano
> Odie Rynell Cash - USA Detroit
> Regina Vater - USA Austin TX / Brazil
> Ken Friedman - USA Denver
> Thomas Bell - USA (OH)
> Maja Jantar - Belgium Ghent
> Krikri Group
> Maurice Pozor - France
> Julien Blaine - France / Saint Joseph - Ile de la Reunion
> Bartolome Ferrando - SPAIN Valencia (Special Mention to B. Ferrando and his
> group for GATES Part 2)
> Jose Gonzales
> Fuencisla Frances
> Rafael Santibanez
> Lucia Peirò
> Jose Terrago
> Carlos Martinez
> Diego Dorado
> Inaki Lopez
> Begona Tena
> Jose Manuel Garcia
> Fuer alle Falle
> Stratos Ntontsis
> Eduardo Melia
> Gokin
> Vasiliki
> Ramon
> Ferhat Ozgur - Turkey Ankara
> Pedro Lopez Casuso - Santa Cruz de Aragua Venezuela
> Jhonatan
> Anna Hatziyannaki - Greece Athens (Special Mention 2 for Gates Part 2: Anna
> Hatziyannaki and Athens Group)
> DEMOSTHENES DAWETAS (poetry, painting)
> CHOREFTES dance company and a MAKIS FAROS' video work
> And many others.
> Soon an anthology on line.
> Read a complete list:
> http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/davinio/GATES/gatesartists.htm
> (For Internet Explorer 6)
> ____________________________________
> Caterina Davinio's video:
> - Davino for Mr. Bowman Fried/Frozen Events 03, 4', videoperformance, 2003
> - Movember 16, 5' (Fluxus 1962-2002, Text and Project by Fluxus artist
> Charles Dreyfus), videoperformance, 2002
> - A Story, 3', videopoesia, 2003 (Text, Voice, Sound Performance: Julien
> Blaine, Music: Etienne Brunet)
> - Short Season of Color, 2', video, 2003
> - Portrait of the Artist As Time, 2:00, computer video, 1999
> - Myself and I, 2:00, computer video, 2002.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> "Scrivere d'arte, in fondo, significa entrare in relazione con la vita"
> Pierre Restany, in " D'Ars", December 2002.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Organization, Communication, PR: D'Ars Journal, Oscar Signorini  Foundation,
> Grazia Chiesa, Silvia Venuti, D'Ars Staff.
> Technical Assistance: BuscemiFiFi - Home Intertainment. C.so Magenta 27 -
> Milano. http://www.buscemihifi.it
> Communication on Line: Karenina.it
> http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/kareninazoom/kareninarivista.html
> Video Production: Art Electronics.
> To know more about GATES in the world: (dead line december 31):
> http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/davinio/GATES/gatesindex.htm
> (For Internet Explorer 6)
> Before to submit, please check the rules in the web site, then send a
> detailed project to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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