Sounds like an awe inspiring performance! Bravo and Kudos to Secret Fluxus.

I wrote you a poem. ====================================================
The gifts offered to the dead;

It will not be safe for the
collector to speculate much upon that which he observes.

The student who is pursuing his researches in this field should
carefully note all of the customs, superstitions, and opinions.

The method of burial, including the site of burial, the attitude in
which the body is placed, and the manner in which it is investured.

I must not fail to present my thanks to the Surgeon General of the
United States Army and his corps of officers for the interest and
assistance they have rendered.

Special thanks to the Smithsonian Institute, J W Powell, and Project
Gutenberg for providng source material.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "secret fluxus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 8:26 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Danger Music in Leeds

> After doing a Fluxconcert, we often go out to eat.
> When we do, we usually perform one of two or three
> food pieces at the table.
> Our favorite is Danger Music Number Fifteen by Dick
> Higgins. Yesterday, we performed it by purchasing
> a few large blocks of creamery butter for each of the five
> who went to Leeds and a dozen eggs each.
> We brought plates with us to the restaurant to use
> as working surfaces.
> After dinner, we each took a plate and we massaged the
> butter into forms. This time, we chose the five
> Platonic solids, or something like them. Then we slowly
> cracked eggs into the buttery mass, massaging and
> reshaping the butter.
> When we left the restaurant, we took the plates with
> us. We left the butter-and-egg objects at different
> locations along the way back to the train station.
> Danger Music Number Fifteen by Dick Higgins
> January 28, 2004
> Danger Music Number Fifteen (for the Dance)
> Work with butter and eggs for a time.
> Dick Higgins
> May 1962
> Unannounced performance at La Grillade
> Wellington Street, Leeds
> _________________________________________________________________
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