The Mask Event

Roger Stevens


January 2004  Venice


Wear a mask whilst shopping fashioned from the vegetables you hope to buy

Wear a mask fashioned in your own likeness

Wear a cat mask and intimidate the owners of small dogs

Wear a dog mask and chase anyone wearing a cat mask

Wear a crab mask and talk out of the corner of your mouth

Imagine wearing a mask and then imagine what people who would not associate you with wearing a mask would think when they saw you in your imaginary mask for the first time

Wear a paper mask of an historical figure who is associated with water. Set fire to it.

Wear a mask in an inappropriate location.

Fall asleep behind a mask of studied alertness

Wear a mask that barely conceals your rage

Wear a mask of glass.

Wear a mask that raises questions about the nature of shopping

Wear a mask of uncertainty

Wear a mask of integrity

Wear a mask to instigate terror in the minds of confused pedestrians

Wear a mask in error

Wear a mask of concrete as though it were a mask of feathers

Wear a mask of tea leaves

Wear a mask of moon-rock by the light of the moon

Wear a mask that has been frozen with fear

Wear a mask of marzipan

Wear a mask studded with cloves

Wear a mask over your mask

Wear a mask that bemuses

Wear a mask that confuses

Wear a mask of excuses

Wear a mask like Tom Cruise’s

Wear the mask of the Plague Doctor’s nephew

Wear a mask of contrivances

Wear a mask decorated with a scene of your father’s

Wear a mechanical mask whose tiny figures dance to the carnival

Wear a mask that doubles as a mobile phone

Wear a body mask

Wear a mask that covers your aches and bruises and hurts and grazes

Wear your mask with pride

Wear a sorrowful mask joyfully

Wear a simple mask that smells of herbs, tarragon, sage and rosemary

Wear a mask in the bath

Wear a mirrored mask

Wear a mask made from shadows and suggestions

Wear a mask that is too tight in the shadow of an specially constructed apparatus to throw same

Wear a mask in the style of the Lone Ranger and fire a silver bullet

Wear a mask in the style of Zorro and challenge a stranger to a duel

Lend your mask to a telephone engineer

Wear a mask whenever the Nikkei index goes up

Wear a mask and interview another masked person for a job in a mask shop

Wear a bra for a mask and give your partner the slip

Wear a mask made from the cover of a Russian novel

Wear a mask made from a spider’s web gathered early in the morning

Wear a mask made from crazy string

Wear a mask made from long sentences spoken with an Italian accent

Wear a mask at breakfast and eat only soup

Wear a mask of toast decorated with marmalade stars

Wear a croissant and pretend it’s a mask

Wear a mask of vulnerability

Wear a trout mask replica

Cover your face with masking tape (Remember to leave small breathing holes)

Wear a mask of total invisibility

Wear a mask of ultimate responsibility

Wear a mask constructed of sound waves

Wear a mask that is a map of your heart and betrays your intentions

Wear a mask that’s a map of Venice showing the secret ways of the gondolier

Wear a mask that is water absorbent

Wear a mask that reacts to laughter by taking flight

When someone next asks you the time, put on a mask and talk gobbledegook

Wear a mask made of sausages and sell dud time shares

Remove a mask in the company of wolves

Make a bonfire of masks



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