New Media Scotland announces DRIFT

DRIFT – New Media Scotland's major new initiative for sound and radio art - launched on the 27th February to coincide with the opening of Dialogues 2004, one of several live events in Scotland which reflect widespread international interest in sound art and experimental music. DRIFT is an exploration of sound art and experimental music featuring radio broadcasts, moving image, publications, and live events. DRIFT is a platform for artists from Scotland and beyond, a gateway to these emerging cultural forms.

Visit the DRIFT web site to find out more:

For the launch, the DRIFT team streamed live audio through the weekend from Dialogues 2004 at Edinburgh's Bongo Club. Highlights included a night of Audio Perversion, featuring heavy hitters from Scotland's electronic music scene teamed up with SiLENCiO's Cabaret; and SKIN, featuring Mark Summers' viola da gamba with live electronics and four specially commissioned works, using state of the art computer technology to deconstruct an 18th century musical instrument. For those who couldn't attend the Dialogues festival or listen to the live stream, the DRIFT team bring you extensive highlights from the Edinburgh event. We are streaming performances by a selection of artists from the first two nights: Audio Perversion and Skin. You can listen to compositions, improvisations, re-mixes and voice works by the following artists: Hannes Raffeseder, Penelope Pornstar, SNAIL, Joe Public, DJ Daniel, SiLENCiO Babes, Han-Earl Park and Esprit, Pukey Vs. Cap'n K, Triangle Head, Two Brothers and Me, Mark Summers.

The stream from Dialogues 2004 is just one of many activities taking place over the next year as part of DRIFT. New Media Scotland is pleased to announce the results of the DRIFT open submission selection. In 2003 New Media Scotland sent out an open call for artists and musicians worldwide to participate in DRIFT. 200 artists responded, sending sound works and proposals grouped in 4 separate categories, details follow.

Resonant Cities – a series of radio programmes curated by Robert H. King which explore the sonic identity of our surrounding space. How we listen and how aware we are of the seemingly 'ugly noise' around us is at the heart of the wealth of works selected. From Glasgow to the Dominican Republic and from Berlin to Mexico City, sonic explorers have engaged with the fragmented noise of the city soundscape: the streets, people and snatches of conversation, traffic, obtrusive music, communication intrusions: mobile phones – radio traffic, city wildlife and the general clutter of everyday life. Resonant Cities features work by 44 artists including Lorenza Lucchi Basili, John Levack Drever, Alistair MacDonald, Pippa Murphy, Ed Osborn, Pete Stollery, plus others from around the globe.

DRIFT Radio Art Commission – Mark Vernon will produce a new radio art work for broadcast both online and on-air, via audio streaming and FM transmission. 'Evelyn's Request: Radio in Film' will examine how radio has been portrayed in another medium. A work uniquely for radio in which radio is both the medium and the content, the programme plays with distinctions between fictional and factual radio whilst exploring the portrayal of radio, Disc Jockeys, radio phone-ins, pirates and Shock Jocks in popular cinema.

DRIFT Moving Image Programme – a touring video programme curated by Iliyana Nedkova. Short films and videos by UK based artists, which take as their starting point sound art or experimental music. Following the success of New Media Scotland touring programmes such as Desktop Icons, the DRIFT Moving Image programme will launch in August 2004 and tour to venues in Scotland, the UK and internationally.

DRIFT Radio Programmes - a platform for artists ideas - one-off events, regular shows, experimental sound projects, radio art work for broadcast both online and on-air. Programmes confirmed so far include: 'Box 30/70' by Sam Auinger & Bruce Odland, urban soundscapes produced using a length of pipe and a shipping container to 'tune' the sounds of each location; and 'Velvet Honey' by Barry Burns, a helter skelter narrative of life in the city.

Artworks selected from the open call are only part of the story. A number of DRIFT projects are currently in progress, to be showcased later in the year. For more information on DRIFT activities, updates and news visit the DRIFT web site at


New Media Scotland is a national agency enabling cultural activities shaped by new technologies. Supported by the Scottish Arts Council.

DRIFT is a year long project in partnership with cultural organisations across Scotland and beyond. DRIFT is supported by the Scottish Arts Council; Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology; Liverpool School of Art & Design, Liverpool John Moores University; Community Media Association.

For further details please contact:

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

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