Please correct away if I say anything that strikes you as wrong, but my impression of fluxus is that it generally has a familial or congenial flavor to it. It's more demonstrative than evocative. Its mystery, to me, doesn't induce me to want to demystify it, but to leave it be as it is. Its subject is more often of needs than of desires, or perhaps more of what we expect than of what we demand. It certainly can be visceral and sensual, but most often in terms of the 5 non-groinal senses.

I feel something parental or fraternal/sororal* when I get the feel of fluxus. As the man said, it's not non-sexual, but for the most it's not erotic.

* the dictionary did not reveal to me a non-gendered word that means something like 'siblingly'. This should be remedied.


have you seen Orfice Flux Plugs by Larry Miller 1974, a fluxkit Hannah Higgins talks about in her book Fluxus Experience (p.34)
she states,"the scale of the individual plugs invites the user to hold and finger them: to unroll condoms; to consider soft, small plugs for insertion into the nose ear, vagina, or anus; to examine statuettes that might enter any orifice of the user. Where would this fit? " As well, on the cover of the Orfice Flux Plugs kit the label has a photo of a finger inserted into an anus. Also, I remember reading in Games at the Cedilla, George Brecht or Robert Filliou stating that all sex at the cedilla happens in groups.
How about the performance where they pee into a metal bucket and whoever pees the longest wins (sorry, i can't remember the title)
anyway, i don't think fluxus is devoid of sexuality, i don't think i would go so far as to call it erotic though.


Quoting allen bukoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

in the email today...

Question: why does SEX/sensuality/eroticism and Fluxus seem to be
in> opposite corners (or is it just me)? Are/were historical Fluxus>

performances/objects/games/activities devoid of sexuality--even the

ones>  that seemed to address gender or sexuality issues  (or is that just
a>  misreading on my part)?  Don't get me wrong, I love Fluxus, I not
saying>  here that it's "missing" anything.  It's just that of all the things
I love>  a lot, Fluxus seems to have the least sex or sexuality in its soul.
Or am>  I missing something?  Allen

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