I am pleased to announce (and sorry for anyone who gets multiples of this message) the release of
d r a f t i n g1 featuring the works of 10 diverse artists/poetts/maker/etcetera

seth adelsberger
mike basinski
john m bennett
ks ernst
bonnie jones
joel lipman
ross priddle
ric royer
heather troy
nico vassilakis

Equally pleasing is the announcement of a call for work for d r a f t i n g2 which will work in the same way, that is:
send 10 works, open technique, theme, etcetera, being mindful that these do need to be mailed
and then, after i receive 10 from 10, the next issue'll appear.

kevin thurston/drafting
2647 n calvert st #1
baltimore, md 21218

I have already received work from 2 contributors:
david dellafiora (field study)
justin sirois (www.narrowhouserecordings.com)

thank you


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--- Begin Message ---
Dear Alan --
"Found on Street"--(my M O)
(sorry for long winded intro--you and any/everyone can just skip it and go straight to my eight pieces for the eight members of secret fluxus--they are here--and many thanks for this project and all your work--)
at first i was not going to contribute to this poor trait as i have never had an answer to a question i posed for secret fluxus--
also i wondered if--mimicry is a form of camouflage--(for example the viceroy butterly looks almost identical with the monarch--the monarch has poison in it that wards off predators--while the viceroy does not possses this poison--yet by looking almost like a monarch, its camouflage protects it--)
is it so with secret fluxus: by a mimicry in a sense, is this how they become secret --
in this sense, i had wondered if as in Zaum visual poetry, when the artists/poets who make the books of the works, they are by doing the handwritng of the original text over on their own in their own handwriting,  they are to reexpereince the emotions of the original inscription at the moment of its inscritpion, yet slightly altered, as the handwriting is not the same hand writing--
via the reinsciption, the copying--their are not merely repeating the letterings, but emotionally reexpereincing the emotion/event of the original poem--yet altered--both/and--
(Free Jazz musician Ornette Coleman : "It's not about notes, it's about feelings".)
my question was: is secert fluxus performing the letter or the spirit of the law, or both at same time?
i just wondered--?
hence my original refusal--
however, i have changed my mind in that i believe in improvisation rather than the reenactment--
other wise it is as they say in the streets of the streets they say:
the game
is the same
only the names
have changed
also since i write from cyber cafe, no access to sending in images--
so if okay here a verbal contribution--:
                             HERE IS MY PUBLIC POoR TRAIT FOR SECRET FLUXUS:
a few minutes ago thinking of the portraits which had just seen on web--
walking along smoking taking a break to ease pain in legs--
noticed cards strewn about in front of house that has just been remodeled--at quite some expense and raise of rents to be sure--
these cards the size of the "community chest" or "chance" cards in monopoly game--or business cards people hand out--
by synchronicty, found exactly eight!
so must be for the eight of the secret fluxus--
on one side five say: MARKET VALUES; the other three say PARKING LOT
turn them over, some have little images & text , others just plain text
here are the texts:
What makes a "hero"?  
 (accompanied by line drawing os a five pointed star and a ribbon like one may win at the state fair--prize winning pumpkin grower for example--)
When you see writing on a wall, rock or tree--how do you feel?
Who has a problem?
Although Maria wants to go to college, her family wants her to get a job.
Say something about men wearing shoulder length hair and about women wearing very short hair.
Who has aproblem? Why?
 A friend borrows your comic books but forgets to return them.
Say something about people who use drugs.
Which would you rather hear and why?
1. "When you drive so fast I'm afraid of an accident."
2.  "Hey! Stop driving so darned fast!"
Why do you think that parents hassle their kids over and over about the same things--like getting a haircut or brushing teeth?

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--- End Message ---

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