Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Freeformfreakout Organisation Outernet Division has a new domain name. The old "" has been snaffled by someone else, obviously in the hope that we would try and buy it back off them - Ha! Some chance matey! (Ahem..we actually don't know how to....)
Anyway the new name for the FFFO world wide wobble site is the rather stunningly original

(Same crap, different URL)

Renovations are underway on the site - check out the funky new front page! However Bowman being well, erm, Bowman things could take a rather long time! Supposed future updates will include 'the FFFO in NYC', various photos and odds and sods from the Big Apple, taken and collected by a right prune, An update on the Fluxus Constellation shenanigans in Genova (not strictly FFFO business but some nice docs) as well as some new/old visual poetry from the Hexadecimal Discovery Pieces Documentation of many moons ago - if we can find a way of digitising the rather fragile and scanner unfriendly pages. (Any help greatly appreciated!!!)

Just in case you really had nothing better to be thinking about!

Your Strudelly

Anna Wombal
Freeformfreakout Organisation Outernet Division

visit the

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