Dea Bibiana:

the nails--reminds me of Stephen Daedelus's desccirption of the role of the modern aratist in A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS AYOUNG MAN--

that once done, the auhtor/artitst presents the work to the public--then turns away, to pare his/her fingernails!

when i was very young my mother gave me a book i have to this day--THE STORY BAG --it is ac olection of Korean Folk Stories--

in one of them rats eat a man's nail parings, and take possesion of his soul--the moral of the story was not to let others find your nail parings, hair clippings ect, as it could lead to be being possed by another--

alnmost like a zombie--

i wil be glad to to send some things--for no charge!  (i once my hair very long to a woman with wig place in Paris--and got enough money to live on for another month--)--i

one cuold always if frightened of possesion send say the attach on nails--[painted various ways!  ( i have been using found nail polics h for paintings and they work very wello, many o fhtem--i have not found any nails though-huma/plastic--)

>From: "bibiana padilla maltos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: FLUXLIST: Re: emprentas the fingeros
>Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 16:47:08 -0800
>I'm making a two feet printing out of it, what do you think??
>we should definetly do  this project of all of us... I'm going to
>get little plastic bags (like the ones for earings or where the
>extra bottoms come in new clothes) and start asking for hair,
>eyebrows and oddities like that, what do you think?
>I did a performance before in which I cutted peoples nails and put
>them on these little bags, people here thought it was disgusting,
>but i had fun.
>AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
>Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
>Mexicali, B.C., 21240
>233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
>Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
>+ 52 686 564 5999

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