Dear Fluxlisters,

We have found an historical document (sort of) worth seeing)! Whilst trawling the teeth grindingly vast and bewildering cache of archived website on the world wild web we managed to find a copy of the first ever freeformfreakout organisation website. The s(h)ite, until now thought to have been deleted from the university of sunderland server and lost forever, was in fact deleted from the university of sunderland server but cached somewhere else in some webarchive! Much to the embarrassment of Bowman we have dug it up, dusted it off and put it here :-

Only slightly modified, we've added an 'escape' button and changed a few of the links, the site shows Bowman's very first attempt at web design (entirley wtitten in HTML on a unix system) and highlights the fact that, well....he just hasn't got any better really has he?

Oh! There are some long lost scores there too ('100 surface music events' and 'shoe events' which were the original inspiration for the fluxus influx shoe days, apparently). There are also a range of highly amusing 'futile games' too.

Still here?  Click on the link!!!!

Anna Wombal
FFFO _____________ Div.

Chucking a spaniel in the works since 1986 or 7 or maybe 8 (we don't remember...)

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