Press Release June 2005

In an uninspired and dull art performance environmentally stupid, and just
plain stupid, like real fucking stupid, artist Mark McGowan is intending
to turn on a cold water tap in the House Gallery in Camberwell, London and
leave it running for one year wasting 15 million litres of water.

The event will start on Tuesday 28th June 2005 at 10am.

On average 2 litres are dispersed every 10 seconds from the gallery tap.

If bottled and stacked from floor to ceiling it would be enough water to
fill several supermarket megastores.

McGowan says, 'Basically its an art piece for people to come and look at
and enjoy aesthically, though of course they could stay at home and watch
the tap as they fill their kettle, it is also an attempt to get people to
notice me because I've never got enough attention at other times in my
life. In my work, I'm heavily influenced by that other publicity monkey,
David Blaine.'

The 'Running Tap', can be viewed most days from 1pm-6pm or by appointment.

For more info and images

idea - a catalyst for art and ideas

07976 949853

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