Remember, though, the wifeswap show will not be broadcast live.

On Jan 5, 2006, at 12:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

it reminds me of what happened a few years ago...
A man died in the 911 attacks on the twin towers (a cop or fire fighter). His son (an extreme liberal) was asked to be on the Bill O'Reilly show ( a conservative talk show). So his son studied tapes of previous shows to figure out O'Rielly's strategy ... like the things he would say before cutting someone off and manipulating what they said and the way he delivered comments, as well as the amount of time he would let someone respond for. With all his studies he agreed to be on the show. He had worked out everything he would say and even timed how long it would take to say certain things. The show was a hit, O'reilly got all worked up and the son really upset him and took away his control until bill finally had to cut to a comercial and kick him out of the studio. The best part is that it was live and the son still got all of his liberal views out on the most conservative talk show on tv.

study the show hard and you'll know what to do.

the opportunity exists to do something extremely fun on national tv perhaps an opportunity not likely to fall into ones lap twice?

-david colagiovanni

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