FLUXLIST@scribble.com writes:
>Does anybody know that if there's any (famous) artist that uses 
>computer/digital stuff to make art, preferably the pioneering ones (i.e.†[ 
>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldo_Giorgini ]Aldo Giorgini)

There are literally thousands of interesting artists who use computers and in 
fact there are connections back into the history of Fluxus as well - in the 
early 1970s both Alison Knowles and Dick Higgins experimented with computers as 
did many
others. And this is a tradition in relation to fluxus aesthetics that carries 
through to the Fluxlist today. . . .

Some of the artists who I find on interest now are:

Janet Zweig - [ http://www.janetzweig.com/ ]http://www.janetzweig.com/

Mark Napier - [ http://potatoland.com/ ]http://potatoland.com/

Natalie Bookchin - [ 

MTAA - [ http://www.mteww.com/ ]http://www.mteww.com/


[ http://www.altarts.org/owensmith/ ]http://www.altarts.org/owensmith/

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