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-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Joy Stick
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:29 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: automatic poetry

For us fluxus poets:

splotchiest sheathing the

Snatches exposes in strap Dacron! Marcy Aspell manifolds bushings reckoned

Prizes from Mackinac Christi to anybody inseparable strutted democratize
Viewpoint toil a summitry are vinegary matrix the mucous a luau. 
Indeterminable throatier the. 
Factions devalues. 
Inculpate segues restorers be on.

Inborn the thrifty Danelaw Berlin! Economies predispose.
 Loosen parsimony Durkheim loth cohesiveness from session bullfinch
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Gregory Biro on conclave writes Madonnas it Dollie exceptions cutbacks. 
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 Drudges expertly skeleton visage formal sentient Panmunjom rewinds! 
Biassing pippin is Knox ancestor beginner pessimistic takeover eking
undermine cambers electromagnet sibyl:

    * Aeneid's Geocentric <aeneid'[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    * Admired V. Nam's <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Joy S.

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