Just back from a romantic ride on an old train from New York to Miami and
TOOOOOO many entries to read backwards
But, in answer to the previous strains of this particular email......:
I did purchase the FLUXUS ANTHOLOGY 2005.
When I bought it I played and listened.
My head was in a perturbed box of eldervine
and I was displeased with the cd and pissed off to boot.

Then, after I quit my job I thought I'd give it another try.
That lyrically haunting Bottom of the Stairs,
which, on first hearing was about 2 minutes too long--
was actually most pleasing, even more so because it had been echoing in my
in myriad permutation
since I'd heard it last.
Perhaps it, the song itself,
helped transform me to my present state
which can be most well defined as PJ: Post Job
The time before the teaching Job is now BJ for Before Job,
and during is now known as DJ for During Job.
In PJ time I have more time-- to listen to things, respond, and even
occassionally jam some word or two together to form a complete sentence.
So, yes, I LOVED that, then there was bAllAd olo dAllAb, which I enjoyed,
familiar and yet not enough recognition for me yet, I know that I will be
listening to it again. Perhaps now?
No, I'll wait otherwise this brief chat note
will turn into another holy friggin novel.

ahem.Heat transfer--I could definitely feel it and felt it transfer to me
and I don't remember what I did with it then but a nice signifying
sound--sweet, Must listen to #70 again--I missed it before I was aware--
I sing Woob Woob all the time
Madawg sister honey I hear you
Alan's Kitchen--On the first hearing my critical New England pickled
cynicism spoke up with an I-can-do--that smugness which we all know is full
of holes. (It is like the Woody Allen joke about not wanting to be in a club
that would accept me as a member. Its is also why I think all you
fluxlisters must be perfectly loathsome creatures. )
So anyway, I was getting into it when I had to go do some chore or other.
So that is where we are leaving the review for now--I'll continue later if
anyone is interested.

I found a new job.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rod Stasick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <FLUXLIST@scribble.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:45 PM

> On 1427 Safar 14, at 12:18 PM, mIEKAL aND wrote:
> > Carol
> >
> > You should get that library to order a copy of the first fluxlist
> > fluxus audio comp as well.
> > Ordering info is here  (as well as free downloads of the CD)
> >
> > http://www.xexoxial.org/fluxuations/initiation.html
> >
> Yeah! It cost me a hell of a lot to hire that damn orchestra!
> ; )
> R~

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