amputee collectivism ... I love it!(the phrase, not the people it describes).


On Mar 28, 2006, at 3:18 PM, John M. Bennett wrote:

Congress as ground beef is just what we have here under the bush - not very brain gratifying but amputee collectivism!


At 01:30 AM 3/29/2006, you wrote:
[basal beef]

tiller multimillionaire goblet intransitively retaliatory

tsetse fly housewarming amputee ecologist temerity

collectivism spermatozoa pagan verandah riff conk

basal redouble unsophisticated strangely fox terrier kerosene

two-bit display unquestioning nave concourse spelling fascinate

gallant pillage HUD bandanna deism sight-read darken

convection camomile clarinetist international bas mitzvah

judicial proscenium slothful grouse F all-out

bettor shilling workman Hispanic displeasure shenanigan

exuberance infer getup undernourished overpopulation Congress ground beef

mortification horseplay discriminating equally ardor polysyllabic

window-shop gaucho amber watt brain gratifying

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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