Loo ts
bungee club an moony pig an reefer sore an
flop an flip an float an foom an few an
spender off the sandbox hum the crispy
turd mounted on the sill ah entry to the
knife  !baste span ,sprawl yr monkey hon
ey past the ticket booth an scribble stone
C luck
jump a while  .mate once or clue  .dim
spork beneath the sheets ,your cube hu
stle ,smoke crust blockage in yr drink
.molten lap guts ,foist yr pants an meal
me off one was that the crawl a
cross yr face I stammered bleeding you ?
chase meat ,the tomb guzzle ,form of
nacre in the lake ,dim crawl notted
at yr founder dome ,baste me while
.log locker ,dance wallet ,mate the
finger with your eye shore ,washed
the grease loot  .tale of scowling ,an a rinse
,fondled ,floating ,dooming ,greasing ,gazing
,corning ,clouding ,cashing ,rinsing ,matting
,falling ,dubbing ,bombing ,caging ,crawling
,clopping ,clodding ,nipping ,gaming ,cooing
,forking ,stunning ,flapping ,filling ,folding
,flaming ,strewing ,sweeping ,chewing ,bowling

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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