Lunch talk di Calgary yg diadakan 2 minggu lalu, "masih percaya"
dengan seismic inversion utk reservoir characterisation.

"Seismic Inversion – Still the Best Tool for Reservoir Characterization"
John Pendrel

Telus Convention Centre 8th Ave SE, Calgary
Date/Time: Jan. 23, 2006 - 11:30am


The principle objective of seismic inversion is to transform seismic
reflection data into a quantitative rock property, descriptive of the
reservoir. In its most simple form, acoustic impedance logs are
computed at each CMP. In other words, if we had drilled and logged
wells at all CMP's, what would the impedance logs have looked like?
Compared to working with seismic amplitudes, inversion results show
higher resolution and support more accurate interpretations. This, in
turn facilitates better estimations of reservoir properties such as
porosity and net pay. An additional benefit is that interpretation
efficiency is greatly improved, more than offsetting the time spent in
the inversion process. In addition, inversions make possible the
formal estimation of uncertainty and risk.

In various forms, seismic inversion has been around as a viable
exploration tool for about 30 years. It was in common use in 1977 when
the writer joined Gulf Oil Company's research lab in Pittsburgh.
During this time, it has suffered through a severe identity crisis,
having been alternately praised and vilified. Is it just coloured
seismic with a 90 deg phase rotation or a unique window into the
reservoir? Should we use well logs as a priori information in the
inversion process or would that be telling us the answer? When should
we use inversion and when should we not? And what type: blocky,
model-based, sparse spike? In the following, I will briefly discuss
the most common methods in a somewhat qualitative manner, keeping the
equations to a minimum.

The Post-Stack Inversion Method
The modern era of seismic inversion started in the early 80's when
algorithms which accounted for both wavelet amplitude and phase
spectra started to appear. Previously, it had been assumed that each
and every sample in a seismic trace represented a unique reflection
coefficient, unrelated to any other. This was the so-called recursive
method. The trace integration method was a popular approximation. At
the heart of any of the newer generation algorithms is some sort of
mathematics - usually in the form of an objective function to be
minimized. Here, I will write that objective function, in words,
rather than symbols and claim that it is valid for all modern
inversion algorithms - blocky, model-based or whatever.

Obj = Keep it Simple + Match the Seismic + Match the Logs (1)

Let's look at each of these terms, starting with the seismic. It says
that synthetics computed from the inversion impedances should match
the input seismic. This is usually (but not always) done in a least
squares sense. Invoking this term also implies knowledge of the
seismic wavelet. Otherwise, synthetics could not be made. At this
point, life would be good except for one thing. The wavelet is
band-limited and any broadband impedances that would be obtained using
the seismic term only, would be non-unique. Said another way, there is
more than one inversion impedance solution which, when converted to
reflection coefficients and convolved with the wavelet would match the
seismic. In fact, there are an unlimited number of such inversions.
Worse, such one-term objective functions could even become unstable as
the algorithm relentlessly crunches on, its sole mission in life being
to match the seismic, noise and all, to the last decimal place.

Enter the simple term. Every algorithm has one. It could not care less
about matching the seismic data, preferring instead to create an
inversion impedance log with as few reflection coefficients as
possible. Different algorithms invoke simplicity in different ways.
Some do it entirely outside of the objective function by an a priori
"blocky" assumption. It can also be placed inside the objective
function in the form of an L-1 norm (sum of absolute values) on the
reflection coefficients themselves. This is advantageous since it
locates all the important terms together where their interactions can
easily be controlled. How much simplicity is best? The answer is
project-dependent and will be different for example, for hard-contrast
carbonates and soft-contrast sands and shales. Control can be
exercised by multiplying the seismic term by a constant. When the
constant is high, complexity rules. When it becomes smaller, the
inversion becomes simpler with a sparser set of reflection
coefficients. We refer to these as mixed-norm types of inversions. The
term, sparse-spike is used to describe algorithms wherein the
simplicity term is outside the objective function.

What about the "Match the Logs" term? When turned on, it makes the
inversion somewhat model-based. Sounds reasonable - the inversion
impedances should agree or a least be consistent with an impedance
model constructed from the well logs. And it is reasonable, as long as
it is not overdone. The primary use of the model term should be to
help control those frequencies below the seismic band. When it is used
to add high frequency information above the seismic band, great care
should be exercised. High frequencies from a model will be unaddressed
and unchanged by the input seismic when they are above the seismic
band. They can then appear in the output inversion, even though they
are completely model driven.
You might now be saying that all inversions must, to some degree, be
model-based. The writer would not dispute this assertion. The
important point though, is that the band in which the model has

The Details - Constraints, QC, Annealing, Global and Colored Inversion
There are other strategies in seismic inversion which control the way
in which the output impedances are obtained. It is common to define
high and low limits on the output impedances. These are supposed to
keep the inversions physical and consistent with known analogues and
theories. Some implementations offer a non-fixed percentage of the log
impedances, freely defined at each horizon and variable with time. The
constraints are interpolated along the horizons throughout the
project, riding them like a roller coaster. Could the inversions be
then critically dependent upon inaccurate horizons interpreted from
seismic data? This potential problem can be addressed in two ways. In
the first pass of inversion, the constraints are relaxed to allow for
inaccuracies. The horizons are then re-evaluated against the initial
inversion, before a final pass with tighter constraints. Second, the
re-evaluation can be done on an inversion without the model-based low
frequencies added in at all. We call this the relative inversion and
it is by definition, free from any inaccuracies in the input model.

The relative inversion can play a vital role in quality control if the
algorithm is constructed such that the impedance logs are not made
available to the algorithm. Only the user constraints and the
objective function settings control the output, leaving it free to
disagree with the logs. It then follows that comparing the relative
inversion and the band-limited impedance logs is a very powerful
quality control tool. The corollary is that the addition of more logs
to the inversion project increases confidence in the result rather
than copying the answer into it.

Another inversion strategy is the imprint of stratigraphy - should it
influence the result and in which band? Including it in the low
frequency mode is easy and does not affect the computation adversely.
Algorithms which opt to constrain the seismic band to assumed
stratigraphy require special solution techniques. This is because the
solution space becomes more complex with many local minima beside the
one representing the optimum result. Stochastic strategies such as
simulated annealing are used to avoid local trapping.

Global is another term which has recently been used in conjunction
with inversion. In Global mode, more than one trace is inverted at the
same time within a common objective function. The idea is that seismic
noise induced variations that are not consistent over a user-specified
number of traces will tend to be suppressed in the output impedances.
The result is a smoother looking inversion, which, if one has been
careful, does not compromise resolution.

Another technique introduced recently is the so-called Colored
Inversion. It trades computation speed for resolution. Phase is first
assumed to be known. Then the spectrum of the reservoir impedances is
assumed to be a straight line on a log frequency cross-plot. The slope
of the line is determined from available logs. Then, an operator is
designed which transforms the seismic spectrum to the desired log
spectrum. This matching operator can be very ringy and some
stabilization is usually required. However, once obtained, the
inversion can be produced by a simple convolution of the operator with
the input data.

Putting it all together, seismic inversion can play the central role
in an improved understanding of the reservoir. In Figure 1, upper
panel, is a Southeast Asia clastic example from Latimer et al., 1999.
The facies are an alternating sequence of sands and shales.
Interpretation is problematic due to the close vertical positioning of
contrasting layers within half of a wavelet length. The result is
severe interference (tuning) and a general complication of the seismic
section. The interpretation of the yellow reservoir event is
particularly difficult. Figure 1, lower panel, shows the inversion
result. It is generally simpler and the interpretation of the yellow
event is obvious. It is now interpreted as a sequence boundary which
is overlain by an incised valley sand.

The value of the inversion process is illustrated again in Figure 2
from Caulfield et al., 2005. The facies of interest are McLaren
sandstones as indicated. The figure shows the original seismic, the
inversion in colour with smoothed P Impedance logs overlain. Well
cross-plot analyses showed that the best sandstones should be
resolvable by P Impedance alone. The inversion method used here was
blind to the logs in the seismic band, making the good agreement
between the logs and the inversion a strong QC. As shown in the
figure, there is a strong change in the inversion at well 121-16 which
is indicative of a shale member. Shale had not been encountered at the
nearby 141-16. The seismic reflection in the zone of interest
(partially hidden by the overlying logs) does not suggest this change
of reservoir property. At well 121-12, resolution also appears to be
improved as there seems to be two separate levels of sandstone
deposition. These are revealed upon converting to depth and preparing
impedance slices (Figure 3). The probability of sandstone deposition
can also be formalized for any inversion (post-stack or AVO), as
demonstrated in Figure 4. In 3D probability space, is the likelihood
of occurrence of a single McLaren sandstone. Figure 5 is a comparison
of interpretations from the seismic and the inversion. There is better
definition of channeling in the inversion and the authors judge that
the accuracy of net pay estimates were improved by a factor of at
least two.

AVO Inversion
It should come as no surprise that all of the above ideas transfer
readily to the AVO World (see, for example, Pendrel et al., 2000).
Instead of a single full-stack, we have a set of partial offset or
angle stacks, each with their own wavelets. In addition to a P
Impedance model for the low frequencies, we now need two more – S
Impedance and Density. We also want to include two more "keep it
simple" terms for S Impedance and Density. After that, it is pretty
much the same. The Zoeppritz equations dictate the range of allowable
solutions. Alternate parameterizations are possible, P Impedance,
Vp/Vs and Density being popular. Other modes can be inverted too,
although PP is the most common. It is important, however, to ensure
that the NMO is correct to sub-sample accuracy. Failure to observe
this criterion will result in an S measure which will have too much
dynamic range – too many strong lows and highs. Commonly, the S
Impedance and any other reservoir parameter derived from it will
exhibit a narrower bandwidth compared to the P Impedance inversion.
This is natural and a consequence of the loss of frequency with

The example in Figure 6 from the CREWES / EnCana Blackfoot data set
illustrates the classic problem of separating sandstones from shales
when discrimination is not possible from P Impedance alone. In Figure
6 are slices of P Impedance and Vp/Vs from a Simultaneous AVO
Inversion. The two reservoir properties are indeed different. Regional
and valley shales dominate the P Impedance slice. The major feature of
the Vp/Vs slice is the sandstone valley itself, brighter in the south
due to the presence of gas. Figure 7 is a 3D perspective of the Vp/Vs
volume where it can bee seen that the valley development is
essentially defined by Vp/Vs. The LambdaRho-MuRho (LMR) technology
popularized by Goodway et al., 1997) can offer advantages to
interpretation by optimally separating fluid and rock effects. LMR
volumes are easily computed from any AVO Inversion.

Density has its own particular problems. The density contribution to
AVO is many dB down from the Shear contribution in normal field
acquisition. It only begins to become important at angles greater than
50 deg. In addition, Anisotropy is also a significant contributor at
these large angles and must be accounted for in any attempt to invert
for density. When large angles are not recorded, density needs to be
softly constrained to something like the Gardner relation or perhaps,
the relationship observed in logs between it and P Impedance.

The so called Joint inversions are variants of this technology. The
theory readily accommodates PP-PS or any other possible combination.
We have already noted the importance of accurate alignment and the
correct alignment of PS modes to PP takes these challenges to a new
level. Nevertheless, this technique contains the potential for density
estimation at low angles, as illustrated by the heavy oil synthetic
example in Figure 8. The figure shows PP and PS gathers and their
simultaneous inversion to P Impedance, Vp/Vs and Density. The maximum
angle used to make the synthetic gathers shown was only 35 deg. The
band of the PP gather was 10-60 Hz while that of the PS was restricted
to 10-35 Hz. Comparing the overlain logs to the inversion results
shows that density information can be extracted.

Curiously, Joint Inversions find application to 4D projects. When the
low frequencies below the seismic band are believed to be constant,
then a Joint PP inversion of all vintages will provide the most stable
baseline, against which to measure differences. The method also works
for 4D AVO.

Geostatistical Inversion
Geostatistical simulation differs from all of the other methods in one
respect. There is no objective function and hence no need for a
simplicity term to stabilize it. Rather, property solutions
(impedance, porosity, etc) are drawn from a probability density
function (pdf) of possible outcomes. The pdf is defined at each grid
point in space and time. A priori information comes from well logs and
spatial statistical property and lithology distributions. As in the
other model-based methods, the logs are assumed to represent the
correct solution at the well locations. It is useful to run a
mixed-norm inversion first, to establish this. Historically, away from
wells, geostatistics has had problems. It is the inversion aspect of
geostatistics which has finally guaranteed its use as a modern
inversion tool. The geostatistical inversion algorithm simply accepts
or discards simulations at individual grid points depending upon
whether they imply synthetics which agree with the input seismic. The
decision to accept or reject simulations can optionally be controlled
by a simulated annealing strategy. The inversion option results in a
tighter set of simulations, the variation of which, can be used to
estimate risk or make probability maps. The simulations can be done at
arbitrary sample intervals. Close to wells, resolution beyond the
seismic band can reasonably be inferred. Away from wells, the absence
of a simplicity term in the simulation and the statistical
conditioning hold the possibility of resolution beyond that of
traditional inversion methods.

Important end results of 3D Geostatistical modelling are property
probability volumes. A set of volume simulations of porosity, for
example, can be modelled as a Normal probability density function at
each grid point in time and space. From these, volumes can be
constructed giving the probability that the porosity lies within a
specified range. Figure 9 shows an example of this for simulations of
porosity over a Western Canadian Devonian reef. Twenty simulations
were used to generate a probability volume for the occurrence of
porosity above 10%. This volume was then viewed in 3D perspective and
probabilities less than 80% were set to be transparent. The tops and
bottoms of the viewable remainders were picked automatically. It is
the thickness of one of these high-probability bodies which is mapped
in Figure 9. The colours represent the thickness, within which, the
probability of 10% or greater porosity exceeds 80%. In this way,
uncertainty can be formally measured and input directly into risk
management analyses.

In geostatistical modelling, property and indicator (facies)
simulations can be combined to produce both property (eg impedance)
and facies volumes. This is illustrated in Figure 10 from
Torres-Verdin et al., 1999, which shows such an estimate from
Argentinean data. The green patches are sand bodies from a single
simulation. Favourable locations for new wells were determined by
integrating the sand volume at each CMP for a set of simulations. The
results of this development programme showed a definite improvement in
sand detection. Accumulated production has been up to three times the
field average in some instances, more than justifying the effort and
expense of the inversion.

Merging Technologies – The New Inversions
Concatenating seismic inversion with other technologies, such as
neural nets, seismic attributes or pattern recognition has been a
strategy employed by some explorationists over the years. The idea has
been to try and extract every last bit of information from the input
data sets. We are now seeing disparate technologies beginning to be
combined within the same algorithm. Figure 11 is such an example from
Blackfoot. It brings together aspects of pattern recognition and
post-stack and AVO Inversion. The top is a traditional Simultaneous
AVO Inversion for Vp/Vs while the bottom is the new high resolution
technology. It was run in a "blind-to-the-wells" mode, so the
agreement to the logs is not perfect. As resolution is pushed to its
limits, we must understand that there can be no single answer, only a
collection of probable answers. The new technologies recognize this
and in fact, the bottom panel in Figure 11 is an average of six such
realizations. The variability between the realizations could have been
used to compute a probability of occurrence for the low Vp/Vs
sandstones. All of this sounds very geostatistical, although upon
closer examination, there are differences.

I hope that I have been able to convey the wide range of possibilities
in modern seismic inversions. Careful consideration should be given in
selecting the best tool. Interpreters need to consider seismic
inversion whenever interpretation is complicated by interference from
nearby reflectors or when the end result is to be a quantitative
reservoir property such as porosity. Outputs in the format of geologic
cross-sections of rock properties (as opposed to seismic reflection
amplitudes) are putting geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists and
engineers "on the same page".

The days of viewing seismic inversion as an extra processing step or
subject of an isolated special study are long gone. Modern inversions
are intimately connected to detailed and quantitative reservoir
characterization and enhanced interpretation productivity. The process
requires and integrates input from all members of the asset team.
Horizons should be re-assessed, models re-built, log processing
reviewed and inversion steps iterated toward the best result. After
drilling, new information should be used to create a living volume,
always up-to-date with all available information. It is this
partnership directed to the solution of real reservoir
characterization problems which leads to success.


Caulfield, C., Feroci, M., Yakiwchuk, K., Seismic Inversion for
Horizontal Well Planning in Western Saskatchewan, CSEG Ann. Mtg., 2005

Goodway, B., Chen, J., Downton, J., 1997, AVO and Prestack Inversion,
CSEG Ann. Mtg. Abs. p.148

Latimer, R.B., Davison, R., Van Riel, P., 2000, An Interpreter's Guide
to Understanding and Working with Seismic-Derived Acoustic Impedance
Data, The Leading Edge, 19 #3, p.242

Pendrel, J., Debeye, H. Pedersen-Tatalovic, R., Goodway, B., Dufour,
J., Bogaards, M., Stewart, R., 2000, Estimation and Interpretation of
P and S Impedance Volumes from the Simultaneous Inversion of P-Wave
Offset Data, CSEG Ann. Mtg. Abs. paper AVO 2.5

Torres-Verdin, C., Victoria, M., Merletti, G., Pendrel, J., 1999,
Trace-Based and Geostatistical Inversion of 3-D Seismic Data for Thin
Sand Delineation: An Application to San Jorge Basin, Argentina, The
Leading Edge, 18, #9, p.1070
--Writer need 10 steps faster than readeR --

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