On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Krzysztof Kowalczyk
>> The problem that I have is of interleaved changes.  I work for a
>> little on patch A, then patch B, then patch A again, but A and B
>> should be kept separate so that they can be easily reviewed.  A and B
>> may or may have dependencies on one another.
> Have a separate branches for A and B? (and then delete them when they
> are merged and no longer necessary).

This is the approach I take for my git repository containing the
import of the Firefox source code. Each patch I work on is in an
individual branch. If patch B depends on A then branch B is based on
branch A and I regularly merge the changes from A to B.

When I need to get the actual patches to send upstream I use 'git diff':

# Patch A
git diff master..A >patcha.txt

# Patch B
git diff A..B >patchb.txt

So the first gets the changes from the original code and the branch A.
The second gets the changes between patch A and patch B.


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