Ah, "space wars" and "brace wars" rise again!

I'd like to propose that no "standard" be imposed...until a beautifier (text
filter) has been created to implement such a norm.  After which, everyone
can peer at the code through their own rose-colored beautifiers.

--ken ritchie (atlanta)

PS, I'll set mine to 4 columns. That's a factor of 8, and close to an
optimum setting for human reading performance...according to a study (many
moons ago) aired by Ben Shneiderman and the HCIL folks at UMD (They reported
peak performance around 3 to 4 columns, back in the days of line printers.
Anyone remember "greenbar" tractor paper?)

On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 6:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Am 22.06.2008 um 11:41 schrieb John Leuner:
>  What do you use a teletype for?
>> John
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teletype
> - Bert -
>  On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 11:45 -0700, Ian Piumarta wrote:
>>> Set your tabs stops every eight columns and the source will be
>>> aligned properly.
>>> I like the tabs in the source because I can move around indented
>>> lines faster (and the file is a few bytes shorter).  I also like
>>> braces lined up like this
>>> if (foo)
>>>  {
>>>    bar();
>>>  }
>>> which would mean a tab width of 2 to make everything be tabbist -
>>> which might just as well stay as spaces.  (But tabs every 2 would
>>> also make the source almost immediately run off the right hand edge
>>> when viewed on my teletype, with its tabs hard-wired at every eighth
>>> column, not to mention the cacophony of bell ringing that would ensue
>>> every time it reached the margin set 10 spaces before the right-hand
>>> edge of the paper.)
>>> FWIW, I don't do anything special to Emacs (which I use when away
>>> from my teletype) to get this behaviour - tabs every eight, and
>>> compressing multiple spaces into single tab characters when possible,
>>> is the default behaviour.  Works for me, but then I still think of my
>>> computer as a typewriter - with pretty colours and unlimited built-in
>>> tippex.
>>> Spaced-out people should refer to expand(1).
>>> HTH,
>>> Ian
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