And, of course, there was Playground (a object oriented language made 
completely from (richer) spreadsheet cells that we did for the Vivarium project 
in the late 80s and early 90s).



From: John Zabroski <>
To: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
Sent: Fri, March 12, 2010 8:17:54 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Code Bubbles

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Julian Leviston <> wrote:

>>On 13/03/2010, at 2:45 AM, Dethe Elza wrote:
>>> Other have made the argument that Google is essentially the modern 
>>> command-line interface, but I think this goes way beyond Google. Things 
>>> like mash-ups are made possible by the View Source nature of the web, every 
>>> web page becomes an API. The ubiquity of Javascript is what makes it 
>>> powerful, not so much the actual syntax of Javascript (although I will go 
>>> on record that I *like* Javascript).
>>> And back to Andrey's example that Julian was responding to. We can write 
>>> bookmarklets or GreaseMonkey scripts, or browser plugins that change every 
>>> aspect of GMail. We can use GMail to make general Google Queries. We can 
>>> embed spreadsheets and other executable code into GMail messages. How much 
>>> goal direction and configuration is needed to become "a program?"
>I disagree with this.
>>The difference seems fairly clear and obvious to me. A programming language 
>>must be turing complete... spreadsheets are not turing complete because they 
>>don't do program execution flow... looping and the like...


Commercial spreadsheets are not Turing complete.  However, it is possible for a 
programming language built using the spreadsheet cell as a fundamental building 
block to be Turing complete.  See Oregon State University's work on spreadsheet 
research.  In particular, Margaret Barnett and Martin Erwig.  Margaret more 
focuses on computability issues, whereas Martin is more focused on 
trustworthiness issues (he has been experimenting+prototyping a type system for 
spreadsheets for about three years now).  There was also an MIT Master's CS 
student who proposed spreadsheets as a fundamental building block for all 
multicore programming: Amir Hirsch.

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