On Jun 19, 2010, at 6:28 PM, "Jecel Assumpcao Jr." <je...@merlintec.com> wrote:

> I had no idea that HyperCard ever ran on machines other than the classic
> Mac.


HyperCard and the operating system are still free downloads from Apple (don't 
threaten to use it or else! Ah, Apple...) but you need an actual Apple IIgs in 
order to legally brandish a ROM image, and the emulator *sucks*.

Curation of software is burdened by industry, and I think that's sad. In this 
case, Apple has kept the software available for owners of the original 
hardware, and I think that's kind of above the general curve. Still sucks they 
don't put the ROMs up too, though.

The emulator is dog slow even on modern hardware, and I haven't looked at the 
hell why. Seems like some smart cats could really fix that without too much 
trouble eventually:) 
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