On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Saul Caganoff <scagan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It strikes me that the actor model is very closely related to a lot of the
> principles I have used with MOM and I'm keen to get hands-on with an
> actor-based programming language to try it out and explore the parallels.
> What would you recommend as a good place to start? Specifically in terms of
> language I'm briefly aware of Erlang and Clojure...until your blog post I
> was unaware of Humus.

Gul Agha, his students and colleagues have done a lot of work in
applying the actor model to distributed (and even mobile) systems.
You might want to look into Salsa for some interesting examples.
Erlang, of course, has a long history and proven track-record, so
there are lots of lessons to be learned there too.  I started
developing Humus because I couldn't find an accessible pure-actor

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