On 10/8/10 9:21 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:
On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Paul D. Fernhout
<pdfernh...@kurtz-fernhout.com>  wrote:
It's totally stupid to use JavaScript as a VM for "world peace" since it
would be a lot better if every web page ran in its own well-designed VM and
you could create content that just compiled to the VM, and the VMs had some
sensible and secure way to talk to each other and respect each other's
security zones in an intrinsically and mutually secure way. :-)
  "Stating the 'bleeding' obvious (security is cultural)"

You are describing something that is not far from Chrome's actual
design. It appears that the other browser vendors are moving in
similar directions. Are you familiar with it? Do you care to elaborate
(off-list, if you like) on what the differences between what Chrome
does and what you'd like are (apart from the JavaScript VM being not
particularly designed for anything other than JavaScript)?

Yes, there are similarities, you are right. I'm not familiar in detail because I have not used Chrome or looked at the code, but to my understanding Chrome does each tab as a separate process. And typically (not being an expert on Chrome) that process would run a rendering engine (or maybe not?), JavaScript (presumably?), and/or whatever downloaded plugins are relevant to that page (certainly?).

"Chrome will typically allocate each tab to fit into its own process to "prevent malware from installing itself" and prevent what happens in one tab from affecting what happens in another, however, the actual process-allocation model is more complex.[49] Following the principle of least privilege, each process is stripped of its rights and can compute, but cannot write files or read from sensitive areas (e.g. documents, desktop)—this is similar to the "Protected Mode" used by Internet Explorer on Windows Vista and Windows 7. The Sandbox Team is said to have "taken this existing process boundary and made it into a jail";[50] for example, malicious software running in one tab is supposed to be unable to sniff credit card numbers entered in another tab, interact with mouse inputs, or tell Windows to "run an executable on start-up" and it will be terminated when the tab is closed.[15] This enforces a simple computer security model whereby there are two levels of multilevel security (user and sandbox) and the sandbox can only respond to communication requests initiated by the user.[51] Typically, plugins such as Adobe Flash Player are not standardized and as such, cannot be sandboxed as tabs can be. These often need to run at, or above, the security level of the browser itself. To reduce exposure to attack, plugins are run in separate processes that communicate with the renderer, itself operating at "very low privileges" in dedicated per-tab processes. Plugins will need to be modified to operate within this software architecture while following the principle of least privilege.[15] Chrome supports the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI),[52] but does not support the embedding of ActiveX controls.[52] On 30 March 2010 Google announced that the latest development version of Chrome will include Adobe Flash as an integral part of the browser, eliminating the need to download and install it separately. Flash will be kept up to date as part of Chrome's own updates.[53] Java applet support is available in Chrome with Java 6 update 12 and above[54]. Support for Java under Mac OS X was provided by a Java Update released on May 18, 2010.[55]"

So, yes, especially from a security aspect, there is a lot of overlap.
"Google Chrome includes features to help protect you and your computer from malicious websites as you browse the web. Chrome uses technologies such as Safe Browsing, sandboxing, and auto-updates to help protect you against phishing and malware attacks."

Of course, we use Firefox and NoScript to do some of that just with JavaScript. I haven't installed Chrome in part just for concerns that it is too much power for Google to have over my life. :-) But I've though about it precisely for that feature of seperate processes. But Firefox has been adding running plugins in separate processes, so that is a step in that direction, too.

But, that's still not the same as having a common Virtual Machine for each tab, where you can expect to have, say, a JVM available to run the code for that page that meets some standards (even as you could have one installed in many situations essentially as a plugin, but 30% coverage or whatever is not 100% coverage). And you'd need a VM optimized so there is essentially very little cost in time or memory to create and dispose of hundreds of these VMs (which is probably not yet the case for the JVM, although it continues to improve -- a big advantage I've heard of, say, PHP over Java for CGI has been that it starts fast because so much is precompiled, even if Java is faster once it gets going). I don't know the current state of JVM startup optimization other than that it has been getting a lot better in loading (especially with version 6), but it still, to my understanding, can start running as fast as, say, a Squeak VM that just maps an object memory file using virtual memory and gets going? Also, I think the JVM still takes a bunch of memory even just to start up? Anyway, I would expect Java will continue to improve in that way. But, that's all future stuff.

Personally, I also think the browser itself should be written in a language like something that runs on the JVM or something other VM, something with garbage collection, in order to reduce the security risks of memory-related and pointer-related programming errors in the rendering engines. The fact that Chrome is written in C++ probably makes in fundamentally insecure. :-) Here is a random file in C++ from the project:
Do I want to check that for memory leaks or misused pointers and so on? Boring and tedious. So 1980s. :-) And even then you could use ObjectWorks or Lisp. :-) So, in that sense, Chrome is obsolete. The best they could do someday is maybe use OMeta to translate parts of it to something else. :-) And I'm not just joking -- it is not unreasonable for me, as an end user, to say that I would rather have software than ran half the speed but was not going to keep having random security problems in years to come every time someone changes it and forgets an asterisk or a bounds check somewhere. Oh, sure there are tools, and there is testing, and so on. But then we are into the fact that if developers are worrying about all that, they'll probably make some other security error. And example alternative:
"Lobo is an open source web browser that is written completely in Java. "

So, in any case, whether Chrome is already obsolete for security considerations or not, right now, you are still stuck with JavaScript as the universal VM in Chrome, and not instead something that you could optimize more like Java's JVM or VisualWork's VM, or Forth, or something else. Well, it looks like Flash is getting bundled in(?), but Flash is not especially open as a VM (even if you could use haXe or something like that with it). You don't have a reliable alternative where you would not necessarily have that 100X performance penalty of using JavaScript for looping or floating point calculations (or whatever the penalty is now with optimization work going on fast and furious). Although maybe that is changing, as with those comments about what is going on since May -- but it still seems like a separate install for Java?

And of course, not everyone is running Chrome. I'd be surprised if it had more than 5% marketshare? Or even 1%? Well checking it, I am surprised, it has 7% according to this:
"In daily tracking, Chrome 6.0 is topping 7% of global browsing share since being released on September 2nd. All other versions of Chrome have dropped to near zero global share in the meantime. The almost complete migration of users to 6.0 occurred within three weeks."

Of course, autoupdates are another potential security problem. :-) Sooner or later, everything is going to get autoupdated to malware. :-( That's another peril of rapid development and systems that are not designed modularly with lots of firewalls in the first place (like if Google Chrome was just some Jar files for a reliable and rarely changing JVM and all running in sandboxes). Anyway, just more reality-checking issues for "the future of computing" -- dealing with security and how people actually upgrade software (and maybe giving people a better way to do that).

Maybe in a year or two all major OS's will have the JVM installed and so you could ask people who visit your site to download just Chrome? But will Windows have the JVM installed by default? I don't know and I would think not? Still, in practice it might be installed already for something else? But then will Chrome be configured to use it?

Anyway, the fact that it's not easy to know that is why what Chrome is doing is not identical to what I suggested. It's compatible (like if Google got Windows and all GNU/Linux distributions to have Java installed and configured with Chrome), but it's not identical. And until it is, we are left with JavaScript.

Also, it's not clear off hand how you would get different JVMs to talk to each other in a browser like Chrome? It might be easily doable, but I'm not sure if it has actually been done in Chrome, like to make a more complex application or support multiple cores with VMs than were sending messages to each other?

Anyway, just lots of unknowns for me. But a good question.

Of course, then one may ask, does it run on the Android and the iPhone? JavaScript again is what you might expect there.

It's hard to think about how something new gets the social momentum to overcome the hurdle of JavaScript now being entrenched everywhere people spend most of their time at the computer -- there is even JavaScript plugins in, say, the Thunderbird email client I use to write this. It really is almost everywhere.

Now, there are problems of the VM approach too, even if every web browser maker did agree to bundle in the JVM with their browser in a way that would let everyone write to the JVM with Java, JavaScript on Rhino, Scala, Clojure, or whatever FONC produces that can translate to the JVM. Right now, unless people take pains to obfuscate their JavaScript, you can probably read whatever is on a web page as an end user, and the code can even be indexed by a search engine (in theory, though I would expect most skip it?). But if people are writing things that are precompiled for a VM (JVM, Flash, or whatever) then you may not get the source and also web pages may not be accessible (unless the author makes the source available anyway or creates related semantic content for the page that is textual that can be used in parallel with the compiled code). So, that's actually a good side of how JavaScript is used in practice, that the "view source" key really works. And that's a big way people learn about JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, beyond tutorials in the web browser itself:

But ultimately, I'd hope we could move to, like John says, beyond "writing applications as if they were still single-tier IBM computers from the 1970s/80s" at least for most things. (I still think many simulations may likely fall in that category for a long time.) And that means probably writing much more sophisticated clouds of cooperating web pages and related servers (or other communications infrastructure).

--Paul Fernhout
The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies of abundance in the hands of those thinking in terms of scarcity.

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