Great subject and looks very interesting!



From: C. Scott Ananian <>
To: Fundamentals of New Computing <>
Sent: Wed, June 15, 2011 2:44:56 PM
Subject: [fonc] Narrative Interfaces

We're having some invited talks this Friday at One Laptop per Child's
offices on "Narrative Interfaces".  Full talk description here:

I've been working on building a small modular "growable" direct system
along the lines of several others discussed on this list (see ) -- but the focus of
these talks is going to be somewhat different: assume that we've built
such a nice transparent system.  How do we write the code walkthrough?
How do we guide learners through the edifice we've built?  How ought
we show off corners of the architecture which they might not stumble
into on their own?

Put another way: the Dynabook (and/or the Primer in Neal Stephenson's
"The Diamond Age") isn't *just* architecture.  There's some content,
too -- how ought we to write that?

Chalkboard's translation of Abelson and diSessa's Turtle Geometry book
( is a step toward
this goal.  Interactive Fiction works such as "Inform School"
( are steps toward the
same goal from a different direction.

The talks will be live-streamed and also available for download after
the event.  I hope the audience here finds the topic of interest.

      ( )

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